Friday, July 6, 2018

Happy Friday to you and yours. I hope you have a wonderful safe day.

If you don’t take good care of yourself. Life will throw you down.
On a personal note; When I came home from the hospital I could not walk. My left leg was stiff. It used to be wobbly and it threw my balance off so I had to hold on to someone or something, and I could not stand very long.
I must say thanks to Harold. He told Paul to check on line for a therapist. Paul found a couple and Harold called the numbers. He found a therapist… Dr. Dave.
Dr. Dave has been working with me once a week and today, two months later, I can lift my left leg and walk with a walker. I am no longer off balance and I know if I keep at it I would be walking without the walker. Dr. Dave knows his job.
Thanks be to God

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