Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Enjoy your day and be safe.

 My father always used to say, “A judger is a sinner. Don’t judge anybody, you are not perfect.”
I saw a post on one of my friend’s wall about a transgender woman reading to children in a library. The question was what do you think?
My comment was, ‘She is a person who is not harming the children so it is fine with me”.
You cannot be of God when you are filled with hatred and judgement.
Some people say and do bad things to gays, transgender etc., people. I am sometimes flawed and scared for the victim, when I hear the anger and dislike that is spilled out of the mouth, of these sanctimonious people.
What did this person do to you? You are not God you are not perfect. They are human beings and they need to live their lives. I always wonder what is the judger’s story? Are they kind, truthful and warmhearted?  

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