Tuesday, July 31, 2018

I love this. Best wishes.

Image result for Lebron's I promise school free tuition free uniforms

George Porgie Puddin’ and pie,
Kissed the girls and made them cry.
When the boys came out to play Georgie Porgie ran away.  
Sexual harassment has been happening since Georgie Porgie.
Today Georgie have to face the music. Nowhere to run Georgie.

Every day is another story. Six women accuse Les Moonves, CBS Chairman and CEO of Sexual Misconduct.
 Image result for Les Moonves

Monday, July 30, 2018

Junior’s Red Velvet Cheesecake. I am going to have a slice for my birthday. Yum.
Image result for juniors restaurant red velvet cheesecake

Happy Monday. I pray today is a better day for you than yesterday.

Sunday, July 29, 2018

Racism is alive and well in America. You are not safe in your home. Your crime; you are black. This is not the first time this situation happened and it is not going to be the last. Ving Rhames is lucky to be alive because one of the police officers recognized him.

Happy Sunday to you and your family. Enjoy and be safe.

Life is given to us by God, but the arrogance in humans, makes him believe that he has the right to live and others don’t. He kills without respect for life. Man is playing God.

Saturday, July 28, 2018

We are hated because of the color of our skin. Yet some people lie in the sun for hours or go into an oven and bake themselves to get our color. They stick a needle into their lips to make them luscious like ours but they hate us.

If you want to change yourself then you hate yourself first. Your hatred then flows to the person you want to be. As my father used to say, “Jealousy is ah hell of ah thing.”
My grandfather Leounce Valentine, had taste and he was smart. He married an African woman. 

Friday, July 27, 2018

Letifah Wilson, Nia Wilson and another sister were on their way home, when they were stabbed by John Cowell. Nia died.
I pray for strength and courage for the survivors and may Nia RIP.

There is always one person in your daily life who is pleasant to you.
Value yourself because there is a reason why God woke you up to see another day. Do not complain about anything because there is someone out there, in a worst position than you. God opened your eyes to see today so enjoy the happy moments and the kindness.

Thursday, July 26, 2018

There is no peace, saith the LORD, unto the wicked. Isaiah 48:33.

Have a nice day. Enjoy and be safe.

Every day I wake up and I turn on my TV on Reflections and it is the most beautiful serene moment to start my day. After the tranquil moment I watch the news and all I can say about that is, “Madness! What’s next? Another outrageous mindboggling heartbreaking moment from man?”

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Enjoy your day and be safe.

 My father always used to say, “A judger is a sinner. Don’t judge anybody, you are not perfect.”
I saw a post on one of my friend’s wall about a transgender woman reading to children in a library. The question was what do you think?
My comment was, ‘She is a person who is not harming the children so it is fine with me”.
You cannot be of God when you are filled with hatred and judgement.
Some people say and do bad things to gays, transgender etc., people. I am sometimes flawed and scared for the victim, when I hear the anger and dislike that is spilled out of the mouth, of these sanctimonious people.
What did this person do to you? You are not God you are not perfect. They are human beings and they need to live their lives. I always wonder what is the judger’s story? Are they kind, truthful and warmhearted?  

Monday, July 23, 2018

A wonderful blessed Monday to you and your family.

I believe if I do something wrong to anyone that sin is going to fall on my children so I always try my best to be kind to others.
Nothing anybody does surprises me. I am seeing and hearing some things that people I know very well are doing. All I can say is that deceitfulness is rooted in their heart, their mind and their soul. I pray that goodness and mercy will flow from them.

Sunday, July 22, 2018

Secrets are a heavy burden to carry.

Secrets are a heavy burden to carry.
I am so fed up of people saying they only telling me their secret when they tell it to others. When the story comes out they blame me and I know in my heart I did not tell anyone. So, from the moment someone say to me, “I am telling you something and don’t tell anyone.” I say, “Don’t tell me because I am not holding anyone’s burden. If the story comes out just remember you have been warned.” Most cases they shut their trap and I feel good because I really did not want to hear their story.

Thursday, July 19, 2018

I hope today is a better day for you. Enjoy and be safe.

Some people pray to the devil. Some people dance with the devil, but when they need help they cry out, “Oh Jesus, Oh God help me!”

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Mothers, Fathers and caregivers, please have a conversation with your child/children about crossing the street. This morning while Harold was on his way to work, his driver was driving on Flatbush Avenue, a child ran across the street in front of the car. He said that his driver was able to stop the car to avoid hitting the child. The child got to the other side and kept running. He said that he was shaking. He arrived at the job still upset so he sat down for a moment.

The old Tinbago Folks used to say, “Ah liar is ah liar, Ah thief is ah thief, but if yuh back pedal yuh go fall. The truth does stand all de time!”
Trump trying his best to back pedal from Helsinki.

Monday, July 16, 2018

It annoys me when I am out on the street, on the train or a bus to hear a man or a woman trash talking their significant other. Oh gosh if they are not treating you right, “LEAVE THEM! End the freaking relationship. It is annoying to hear you bumping your gum.”

Saturday, July 14, 2018

I cannot stop talking about humans. As my father used to say, “Some people just can’t leave well alone!” To me that is a true statement. The earth is beautiful yet man spend his days doing things to desecrate the land. There are times I cringe when I see the devastation. I remember in 2011 when I was in Trinbago, there were lots of birds in a tree in our next-door neighbor’s yard. When I asked why there are so many birds, I was told that many trees were cut down in the grassy forest area of Point Fortin, so some of the birds came to nest there. It was a sad sight to see so many trees and grassy areas cut down. Human have yet they want more. Nothing will suffice their greed. Cane walks the earth and his seed follows. “LORD put ah hand!”

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Another day another story. I hope all is well with you and your family. Enjoy your day and be safe.

Fear not! Stand your ground and you will see the victory the LORD will win for you today. The LORD himself will fight for you, you only have to keep still. Ex. 14:13-14

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Since I was a child to an adult I have heard statements made by my parents and many people. My cousin-in-law was upset about something and in her angry words she said that someone was a brute beast. I started to laugh because I never heard that statement before, and her Barbadian accent made it sound humorous. One day I was reading my bible and I came upon 2Peter 2:12. But these, as natural brute beasts, made to be taken and destroyed, speak evil of the things that they understand not; and shall utterly perish in their own corruption; Ecclesiastes 1:9. What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun. 

Monday, July 9, 2018

Maybe I am old fashion, but it annoys me to see a business letter written haphazardly. Personal letter for example letters to relatives, friends can be written informally. Letters written for business purposes should be written in the proper manner. I received a business letter and I wondered if this is the latest style of writing a business letter.
The name of the company was at the top, and the company’s address was at the end of the page about three spaces down from the sender’s signature. The body of the letter and the closing statement were one paragraph. I started pointing out mistakes in the letter. Paul and Sarah said that there are many changes made in the English Language and also to writing letters.
I said that is real BS. When I used to be a secretary. My letters had to be done professionally. So, I don’t agree with this shit. I am contacting the company about this because they need to correct it. I hope this letter is not the making of the new business letter.
The new world order. Damn!!

Sunday, July 8, 2018

Image result for god is in charge

Trinbagonians you will know what a goodnight Irene is.
Harold woke up about one this morning and Paul came out of his room and they ran into each other. Harold raised his had and said, “Oh gosh boy ah nearly hit yuh ah good night Irene, oui.
Paul said, “I want to know what the hell did Irene do so bad that everyone wants to knock her out?”

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Saturday, July 7, 2018

Have a nice day and be safe.

Pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones. Proverbs 16:24 

A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones. Proverbs 17:22 

Friday, July 6, 2018

Happy Friday to you and yours. I hope you have a wonderful safe day.

If you don’t take good care of yourself. Life will throw you down.
On a personal note; When I came home from the hospital I could not walk. My left leg was stiff. It used to be wobbly and it threw my balance off so I had to hold on to someone or something, and I could not stand very long.
I must say thanks to Harold. He told Paul to check on line for a therapist. Paul found a couple and Harold called the numbers. He found a therapist… Dr. Dave.
Dr. Dave has been working with me once a week and today, two months later, I can lift my left leg and walk with a walker. I am no longer off balance and I know if I keep at it I would be walking without the walker. Dr. Dave knows his job.
Thanks be to God

Thursday, July 5, 2018

I told my children when someone say hateful things about them, it means that they are important to a hater.
Every day you wake up there is something of importance set for you to do. Some people ignore what they need to do for themselves and put their energy into being hurtful to others. They make that person more important than they are. Do not respond to the hateful comments. Ignoring it makes the hater unimportant to you. If you respond you are making them as important to you as you are to them. Not everyone is going to like you and you are not going to like everyone so that brings balance to life.
Live your life and enjoy it too.

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

The Jewish people and the Negro people both know the meaning of Nordic supremacy. We have both looked into the eyes of terror. ― Langston Hughes (1902-1967)

I swear to the Lord, I still can't see, why Democracy means, everybody but me. ― Langston Hughes (1902-1967)

Monday, July 2, 2018

Negroes - Sweet and docile, Meek, humble, and kind: Beware the day - They change their mind.  - Langston Hughes

Sunday, July 1, 2018

A wonderful Sunday to you and yours.

In every family there is a horrible person. A greedy, insulting hurtful and distasteful relative. Vile hurtful disgusting things flow from their mouth. Everyone in the family would talk about this person behind their back. They would say how horrible he or she is, yet when they meet with them, they would smile happily at the evil monster as they greet him or her warmly. I hate that because I know it is sinful to be deceitful. I am not going to pretend that I like a horrible person because they are my relative.