Wednesday, June 27, 2018

On a personal note. When I was in the hospital, I met some very nice doctors and nurses. There was one nurse who made me feel as though the devil sent her.
She asked me where on my hand I would like her to stick to draw blood. I showed her.
She said that the veins above the knuckles looks good so she would do it there. I told her that I had a blood test in that area and it was painful. Please stick me where I showed her.
She said okay then she tied the band around my hand very tight, held my hand and stick me where she suggested. I cried out a little as I felt pain.
“Oh, am so sorry,” She said in her phony deceitful voice.  
Later that evening she came and asked me where to draw blood. I put out my hand, stared seriously at her and said, “On the spot that makes you feel happy”.
She drew my blood where I had told her the first time.
All day my hand hurt me. The area was tender for many days. She was the worst nurse I ever came in contact with.

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