Sunday, October 15, 2017

A bully is never alone. He or she always have three or four patsies. These patsies are also being bullied. They do everything the bully tells them to do and the bully controls everyone.
One day, some years ago, I was bringing Sarah home from elementary school. A boy was in front of us, walking in the distance. Suddenly some boys passed us running, when they got to the boy, one of them from the group pushed the victim and he took off his backpack, then he punched the boy who pushed him. The boy grabbed him and held him tightly. The other boys started punching and kicking the victim.
Sarah said, “Mom I am scared. Let’s cross the street.”
I told her no I will handle it. When we got to the boys, I said, “Let him go! Stop hitting him, right now!”
They all did and looked angrily at me, but I said, “You are holding him and the three of you are hitting him. That is not right. Four of you against him. You pushed him and he defended himself so what did he do to the others? Not a damn thing, yet you are beating him up. What is wrong with you all?” I turned to the bully and continued, “You started it so I am guessing that you want to fight so fight him one-on-one. The rest of you stay out of it!”
The victim said, “Ok let’s fight.”
The bully stood looking a bit scared for a moment then he quickly took up his backpack, turned and started walking quickly back to where he came from. The lackeys also took up their bags and followed the bully.
The victim continued on his way home.”
I told Sarah the same thing I told Paul years ago. I said, “You might end up in a situation where you might be bullied. More than one person might be attacking you. You can’t over power all of them so you must focus on the one you can get your hands on. Hold that one and drop a bite on him or her. The one you are biting will cry out from the pain, but don’t let him go until the others stop attacking you. They would put their focus on their friend.”
“But I will get in trouble,” Sarah said.
“There are cases where you have to defend yourself and that might be the only way you could.”

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