Friday, March 31, 2017

Two different scenarios; A woman gets beaten by a man in front of people and someone will try to help to defuse the situation. A man gets beaten by a woman in front of people and there will be laughter. No one is going to help to defuse the situation.
I saw a video of a woman in Rousillace, Trinidad and Tobago beating a man on the street in front of people. She was brutal. The man lay on the ground taking the blows, not even trying to defend himself. I believe that this is not the first time she did this to him. Eventually a man came and pulled her away. The man who was beaten was on the ground looking unconscious.

While the woman was beating the man, she was asking him, who is Sharon. Regardless of who Sharon is, the woman is an abusive woman and this man needs to get far away from her. 

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