Saturday, April 11, 2015

“On an intimate note”

A kind word always turns away wrath. As the old folks in Trinbago used to say, “you too hog-stylish” —(hostile).
Your husband/wife/boyfriend/girlfriend arrived home and they start touching you in different areas on your body. You are tired, not in the mood to get that intimate so you say, “Oh gosh, stop it nah, or will you stop, or you angrily say, “STOP!” Those statements would hurt
Yes you are tired, but if he/she is the love of your life, you need to smile and say, “Wait. It will be you and me in bed tonight, or so you want it, wait until we get to bed, or you really think you could handle this?”
After all your ‘gun talk’, hot air, make sure you do not go to bed first. Let him/her go to bed first, they will fall asleep. Now if they don’t fall asleep, crawl onto the bed start touching them up as you get on. When you get face to face put on your best smile and say, “This is your night, how do you want it?”
He/she might say, “No it’s your night. What do you want?”
You should say, “You started it so you better finish it.”

Now relax and enjoy.

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