Thursday, April 23, 2015

A vulgar situation … it’s all about money.

What is the reason for State Wide Testing? I believe it is for financial gain because there is an amount of $ allotted for each child in the public school system. The amount is higher or lower according to the race of the child.
I have been in the NYC school system since 1994. I agree with the parents who are complaining about testing. School children take state wide tests from 3rd grade although I remember when my son was in elementary school, one year because the children in his class were advanced, they were tested in 2nd grade. Parents were informed about the test, after it was done. I am not sure if this still happens, but children are tested 3, 4, 5, 6, 7… grade… and so on and so on. Why is it necessary to test children yearly? It is very stressful for children to make the grade. (Grade:- 1—Below Standard, 2  —Approaching Standard, 3 —Meets Standard, 4 —Exceeds Standard.)
After testing then comes report cards —Parents teacher’s conference. It is the saddest thing for many children. When mothers/fathers/caregivers collect report cards, the looks on their faces and their child’s face is upsetting. You could hear some of them berating their child, and the child stands their crying…. A very sad situation. I believe that school children should be tested in 4th grade for entry into Middle school and 7th grade for entry into high school.
I truly believe that the only reason for testing is financial gain for the city and all others in the mix. Parents who are complaining about testing should not stop until they stop the testing.

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