Sunday, April 26, 2015

“Eating Organic Was The Norm For Trinbagonians”

For the greater part of my life I ate organic food and I did not pay close attention to it. It was the most natural thing. My father had a beautiful garden which he planted as a hobby. He killed weeds by rooting them up with his hands or by using his hoe, rake, spade, fork, etcetera. Pesticide and herbicides were never used in his garden and in most of the gardens in Trinbago. Fertilizer was cow dung and it was all natural, because the cows ate grass. Goats and sheep also ate grass. They all grazed in the field and savannah. We had chickens, ducks and turkeys. They all ate corn and water-grass… When I think about the plates of food that I ate when I lived in Trinidad… hmm!!! Every single thing on it was organic. Today I believe that the word ‘organic’ is just written on the package to get an extra dollar out of you…  

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