Tuesday, January 28, 2014

“Women Do It Too”

When a child is missing, if a crime has been done to the child, it is always assumed a man is the perpetrator. We have to remember that women are perpetrators too.
My daughter and her classmates are 16 about to be 17. They are small in size so they look like 12.
Yesterday my daughter was heading to a college class so she went into the subway to buy a metro card. There was no one at the booth so she went up and told the clerk what she wanted. As she proceeded to get her money from her wallet, someone came and stood close behind her. She tried to turn around, but could not because the person was too close. She said that she looked at the clerk opened her eyes wide and frowned.
“Do you know her?” The clerk asked.
My daughter said that the clerk got on her microphone and in a loud voice she said, “Miss. Step away from the young lady... Right now!”
The woman sucked her teeth then she stepped back.
My daughter go her ticket, exited the subway then phones me. She told me how uncomfortable she felt.
Just like men some women love to intimidate children. Creepy… 

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