Thursday, January 16, 2014


Argument~ Disagreement~ Quarrel~ Altercation~ War of words~ Conflict~ Row~ It really doesn’t matter how it is called, I don’t like it!
There are times when someone says something to me and I come back with a good retort. There are times when they say something I am so flabbergasted that I get speechless.
A Rasta woman said that to me and we had a war of words. One year later in an angry tone she said that her husband doesn’t like to work. When they started dating he did not have a steady job and he was not working when they got married. I was listening to her ranting and I was staggered so I could think of a retort. After we hung up the phone then it hit me and I whispered, “How the fuck, do you expect him to work— EVERY BLACK MAN IS A KING?”
I am seeing a lot of people wearing shirts with ‘EVERY BLACK MAN IS A KING printed on it. I am wondering since that statement is so vibrant, why did the first black man I knew —my father, got up a 4:00AM, Monday to Friday, got dressed and headed to work? My three brothers —BLACK MEN got up an hour later and headed to work. This morning I look at my husband —A BLACK MAN, got up a 5:00AM, got dressed and headed to work. Did their mixed ancestry cause them to have to go to work to earn a living? By some weird phenomenon, they are not considered to be black men?
People should be proud of their works rather than what they are born into. It is better to say, “I helped this person”, or “I saved this person”. BE PROUD OF THAT.
You cannot choose your ancestry, but you can choose how you behave, how you treat people… 

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