Tuesday, January 14, 2014

“I Hated Goat Milk”

We lived on a dead end street. At the end of the street was grassland and a swamp was at the end of the grassland. There were cows grazing on the grassland, along with the cows were our neighbor’s goats. Every morning at a particular time the goats would leave home and head to the grassland. They would graze all day and as if by clockwork they would leave the grassland every evening and head home. One day I was playing in the yard with the neighbor’s children and one of the elder girls started milking a goat. She passed around cups of milk. Everyone was drinking the milk… just enjoying the taste. The only milk I knew was Klim and Fernleaf Powdered Milk and they tasted real good even if you had it dry. I never tasted goat milk and I did not want any so I started to sneak out of the yard, hoping to get away without being noticed. The gate to our yard was about 10 steps away, but it suddenly felt like miles away. As I reached the neighbor's gate and was about to go through, she said, “Come and get some milk Allison.”
“No thanks. My belly is full. I’m not hungry.”
“Come here and drink some milk.”
Now she was bigger than me so I slowly walked back to her, took the cup and drank a little. “The goat milk tasted horrible, but when I looked around her mother was sitting on the step with a smile on her face that said, “You better drink the milk.
I drank the milk then I went home and told my mother. She said, “It is good for you, and it will strengthen your bones. Did you say thanks?”
“Yes, but I hate goat milk. It taste horrible.”
Today I drink goat milk and I even eat goat cheese with Crix and I love it...

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