Tuesday, October 9, 2012

GLOSSARY ~ page vii ~ The Forest Is Our Home – A Valentine Joseph

BOIS CANON… (Bwah-kah-no) The stem is used to make bird cages…

BREADFRUIT… A large round seedless tropical fruit that is usually eaten boiled, fried, baked, steamed or roasted.

COCOYEA (cok-ey-yea)… The shaft of the coconut tree leaf.

FEVER GRASS or LEMON GRASS…. Tea is used to treat, flu, colds fever, etc.

FLAMBEAU (flam bo)… A torch that is made by stuffing cloth into a bottle containing kerosene. 

FO-DAY MORNIN’… Just before dawn. When the cock crows.

GOD HORSE … Praying Mantis.

KISKADEE (Kis-ka-dee)…  A member of the Flycatcher family. It is famous for its loud call…

LA DIABLESSE (Lah-ja-bless) The devil’s bride.

 LA GLEE (lag-lee)… The sticky milk bled from the breadfruit or châtaigne trees. It is used to coat the cocoyea stem to catch birds.

 MACAJUEL (mah-cah-well)… Boa-constrictor.

MA PEPERE- (Ma-pa-pee)

MAPEPIRE ZANANA or MA PEPERE ZANANA… venomous snake: the bushmaster, pit viper, the fer-de-lance.

PAPA BOIS… Also know as MAITRE BOIS (Master of the woods)… DADDY BOUCHON (hairy Man)…. He is the old man of the forest.

SILK-COTTON TREE, KAPOK or CEIBA Found in the Caribbean and many other countries in the world. It grows to a height of more than 200 feet.

SOUCOUYANT (Soo-koo-yaan)… SUCOUYA (Soo-coo-yah)… An old frightful woman, who sheds her skin and transforms herself into a ball of fire at night; She sucks the blood of her victims. 

SUCRIER (See-key-ay) One of the many birds found in Trinidad & Tobago. Feeds on sugar, nectar and sucrier fig… (See-key-ay fig –a small banana).

WOOD SLAVE… Gecko lizard or house lizard.

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