Tuesday, October 2, 2012

“Never Was In It”
Two months ago my son tried to get tickets for the NY ComicCon October 11 – 14, 2012– All Saturday tickets were sold out since 2010~ His father told him that Thursday and Friday is work and school so get tickets for the Saturday – 2013. So that was settled.
I was never in the ComicCon business with them~ Suddenly I am smack in the middle of it~ This morning when my daughter got up, I noticed that she was not in a ‘Hello Sunshine – It is a wonderful day mood’. I know to ignore those moments because minutes later I am going to hear why. Everybody else was talking and laughing then she said, “Mom I don’t understand why we can’t go to ComicCon on the Friday. All you need to do is come to my school and sign me out early~ Last year you did it and I got all missing school work when I went back to school.” Her father and her brother knew why, but they both just look at me as though I am the one who said, ‘Saturday is the day’…

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