Saturday, April 14, 2012

“They Fell Into The Pun”

For every five people who are rooting for you to succeed~ Ten people are rooting for you to fail~ At one point, I weighed on the pun >>> 50 million French men cannot be wrong. I was thinking that ten was more than five so they fell into the pun. Changes had to be made. At the dinner table one night, I spoke to my advisers – Husband and children about the changes.
“We had a long talk about you following your dreams and I told you to go for it, you have my support. Did I ever show you any form of discontent?” my husband asked.
“No. You always encouraged me.”
“Don’t stop writing~ I love what you write and I want you to be home when I get home from school~ Your food taste real good,” my son said.
“Yes mom, I want you to be home~ I don’t want you to stop what you are doing. I only read the children’s book. I cannot wait to get old enough to read the romance books,” my daughter said.
Thanks a bunch for rooting for me~
The light at the end of the tunnel looks pretty close, so I know that 50 million French men could definitely be wrong.

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