Saturday, April 7, 2012

“Eyes Open”

It is scary to see someone sleeping with their eyes open~ It is even scarier if you are trying to wake them up and they are not answering or indicating that they are hearing you.
I was at a function and it was one of the most boring, gatherings that I ever attended. Lots of people fell asleep. In order not to feel embarrassed I tried my best to stay awake~ Hiding my yawning and restlessness by sipping from a glass of water. I also kept looking at the program to see if I could slip away unnoticed. A lady near to me, fell asleep with her eyes open, then, she started to snore. As her slumber got deeper, her snoring got louder. I looked at another lady and I opened my eyes wide and smiled. She started to giggle~ I bit my lips to stop me from doing the same. A man, who was near to the sleeper, tapped her gently calling her name. She was not responding and he kept on calling her. I looked at her and all I could see were her open eyes. The woman who was giggling whispered, “Is she dead?”
For a scary moment, that thought crossed my mind but then the snoring took on a higher pitch…

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