Wednesday, April 11, 2012

“The Nicest Taste Of Déjà vu”

Allie used to have a recurring dream about walking slowly on a street. There were trees, houses, buildings and people walking by. She did not know the people. The view on this street was breathtaking as little rays of sunlight glittered through the trees. Every time she woke up, she felt a deep longing to see this place. Many years went by, and the dream continued. Every time she talked about it, she was told that one day she would see it, but she believed that she never will.
One day, her husband handed her a note as he said, “Please meet me at that address.”
The time was on the note and she smiled because she knew that he was going to surprise her with something important. When she got to the address, he was standing in front of a house. After they greeted each other, she said, “What’s going on?”
“Look around and tell me what you see.”
There were people walking and she frowned. “I don’t know these people.”
“True. Forget the people and look around.”
She was captivated by the rays of sunlight that glittered through the trees and like in the dream, a sweet feeling crossed her heart~ This was the nicest taste of déjà vu…

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