Monday, April 30, 2012

“Look Forward To Climax”

You must believe in hope and look forward to climax~
Your expectations should not falter~
Be optimistic about what you believe in~
Ignore the other persons hopes~
Hope for yourself…

Sunday, April 29, 2012

“Too Much Truth”

She was having a conversation with some relatives. One of them looked at her angrily as he said, “You talk too much!”
She was shocked, but in a calm tone said, “I don’t understand why you are so angry.”
“You don’t know when to shut up!” He shouted.
“You were the one who brought it up,” she said.
He looked at her with a hateful look then he walked away.
She looked at the four other people in the room and three of them looked dumbfounded. The fourth person, her elderly aunt was giggling.
She smiled at her aunt as she said, “He started it.”
“Yes~ Too much truth is recipe for anger.”

Saturday, April 28, 2012

“It Don’t Roll Up Hill”

The morning just started, the phone calls also started and I am laughing real hard~ One thing I could say is Trinbagonians knows how to pelt ah stone… hmm~ Shit, really don’t roll up hill nah…

Friday, April 27, 2012

“An Amazingly Beautiful Moment”
I looked up today… The sun is shining~ The sky is blue~ and the clouds looks puffy… Like huge cotton balls~
Oh what a beautiful moment of excitement~ The Shuttle Enterprise making its ceremonial flight over the Tri-State…
An Amazingly Beautiful Moment…

Thursday, April 26, 2012

“Criticism Is The Key”

Everything you do be prepared for criticism~
Do not be offended/blindsided by the critic’s point of view~
Make criticism the key to your success…

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

I am tired of hearing the term ‘haters’~  It is over used, overrated and blown out of proportion!!! Not because you don’t like it/him/her, you are a hater. It is just okay to don’t like it/him/her…

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

“Unknown Author”
Don’t forget yesterday~ Remember today~ Live tomorrow~

Monday, April 23, 2012

Oh Gosh~ Where is spring~ Outside real cold...

Sunday, April 22, 2012

“We Are Different”
My dreams are not your dreams~
My ideas are not your ideas~
My taste is not your taste~
My likes are not your likes~
What I could handle, you cannot handle~
I am not you and you are not me~
We are two peas from the same pod, but we are different…

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Gone were the days when innocence was the norm for a child~
There is not room today, for naïveté…

To live in this unforgiving world~ Commonsense must prevail… 

Friday, April 20, 2012

“He Is Not Your Brother”

You say to him, “You are a real nice guy~ a good catch, but I like you as a brother.”
Now he has to watch you date the asshole that treats you like shit. Gets you pregnant then leaves you.
Your so called BROTHER now has to sit and watch you cry. You are so rapped up in your heartache that you cannot see that~ He is crying because he is not your brother and he loves you…

Thursday, April 19, 2012

“Very Important Info”

I am on a different path today~ I don’t have the time to read because I write.
One day, I was having a conversation with a school administrator and he suggested that I read~~~ Gavin De Becker – The Gift Of Fear.
I am reading and this book could be sum-up to one word~ TRUTH! To all my sister friends~ Get this book and start reading.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

“I Get Anxious”

Every time I am out and I see a child distraught that he/she cannot find their parent/s~ I don’t know why some of us think it is safe to let our children roam freely in a store… Don’t you know that in the blink of an eye, someone can take your child? It happened to me and my child was not roaming in the store…

Posted Saturday, April 09, 2011 then on Monday, December 20, 2011

“The Kidnapper”
I am wondering what my life would be like today, if the unthinkable did happen, eighteen years ago. There are times in your life you have to say thank God for giving you a six sense, intuition, perception, etc… I had to go to the store to buy something. A feeling of trepidation was in my heart and I did not want to go, but I needed the item. My son was three years old, and he was home from daycare, so I had to take him with me. Since I was having an uncomfortable feeling in my heart, I held his hand and made sure he was next to me at all times. When we arrived at the store there were about five people shopping. One woman stood out. She was wearing a green shirt. It was the exact color as the one that I was wearing. When she looked my way, I felt more anxious and I started to question myself. “Why am I feeling this way?” I decided not to browse… just get the item, pay for it and leave the store. The moment I got it, I stood in line and I held on to my son’s hand. When I got to the casher, I put my item on the counter, let go of my son’s hand, opened my handbag and took out my wallet. As I was about to pay, I looked down for my son. He was not there so I called out to him, but there was no answer. I kept shouting his name and my intuition was saying to me, “Go to the front door”, so I ran to it. I asked the security guard who was standing near the door, if he saw a little boy wearing a red tee shirt and blue jeans. He told me a woman walked out with a little boy who was wearing those same color clothes. I ran out of the store onto the sidewalk. The lady in the same color shirt, was holding my son's hand, waiting to get on the bus… I shouted my son's name and he looked around, and said, “Mommy?” then he looked up at the lady… I screamed for him to come and he pulled away from her. She saw me running towards them and she started running in the opposite direction… I held onto my son tightly. He started to cry and he told me that the woman looked like me. I told him it’s okay. I kept looking at the woman, as she sprinted away…

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


I know it, I have it and I love it!
It is one of the most, sort after wants, in the lives of humans. Even some animals desire it.
FREEDOM~ To breathe.
FREEDOM~ To speak freely.
FREEDOM~ To live with out fear…
Just to be free of every encumbrance.
My wish for you~ FREEDOM...

Monday, April 16, 2012

“Talker And Texter”

One day, I was talking on my phone while walking. I noticed the street light was on green, so I walked faster to get to the other side. The conversation was interesting and my mind was on it~ I wasn’t paying attention to the lights. When I got to the middle of the street, the driver of the car that I was in front of tooted his horn, I jumped, looked at the light… It was red~ I walked quickly to the sidewalk~ feeling embarrassed…
A week later a woman was walking and texting~ I looked at her and I knew she was going to step off the sidewalk into the street. The light was on red and she never broke her strides stepping into the street. The loud sound of a car horn~ the car swerving from her and the driver cussing filled the air…

Sunday, April 15, 2012

“I Must Look Up”

I woke up this morning with my mind far away, but it did not linger in the distance~
I open the blinds because I must look up at the sky to say~ Thanks for making me see another day.
The bright sunshine~
The blue sky~
The clouds with the silver lining slowly moving across the sky~
I smiled and I whispered to myself----
I have seen and heard so many things~
Good or bad~
My heart, mind and soul still say~ WHAT A WONDERFUL WORLD…

Saturday, April 14, 2012

“They Fell Into The Pun”

For every five people who are rooting for you to succeed~ Ten people are rooting for you to fail~ At one point, I weighed on the pun >>> 50 million French men cannot be wrong. I was thinking that ten was more than five so they fell into the pun. Changes had to be made. At the dinner table one night, I spoke to my advisers – Husband and children about the changes.
“We had a long talk about you following your dreams and I told you to go for it, you have my support. Did I ever show you any form of discontent?” my husband asked.
“No. You always encouraged me.”
“Don’t stop writing~ I love what you write and I want you to be home when I get home from school~ Your food taste real good,” my son said.
“Yes mom, I want you to be home~ I don’t want you to stop what you are doing. I only read the children’s book. I cannot wait to get old enough to read the romance books,” my daughter said.
Thanks a bunch for rooting for me~
The light at the end of the tunnel looks pretty close, so I know that 50 million French men could definitely be wrong.

Friday, April 13, 2012

“It Is The Nicest”

Oh what a beautiful day it is~ My day started off with a heartfelt surprise that morning was here~ It felt as thought I just went to bed. Tiredness was the feeling as the day began.
Yes, my day started with exhaustion, but the brilliance of the sunshine and the atmosphere was medicine for my tiredness~ It is now twilight~ It is the nicest moment of the day…

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

“The Nicest Taste Of Déjà vu”

Allie used to have a recurring dream about walking slowly on a street. There were trees, houses, buildings and people walking by. She did not know the people. The view on this street was breathtaking as little rays of sunlight glittered through the trees. Every time she woke up, she felt a deep longing to see this place. Many years went by, and the dream continued. Every time she talked about it, she was told that one day she would see it, but she believed that she never will.
One day, her husband handed her a note as he said, “Please meet me at that address.”
The time was on the note and she smiled because she knew that he was going to surprise her with something important. When she got to the address, he was standing in front of a house. After they greeted each other, she said, “What’s going on?”
“Look around and tell me what you see.”
There were people walking and she frowned. “I don’t know these people.”
“True. Forget the people and look around.”
She was captivated by the rays of sunlight that glittered through the trees and like in the dream, a sweet feeling crossed her heart~ This was the nicest taste of déjà vu…

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

“Your Choice”

Paint your wagon whatever color you like~ I am not going to say anything about it… No~ I have to say, “It is your choice.”…

Monday, April 9, 2012

“What Do You Do When”

Strong words that spell hurt –malign~ libel~ slur~ smear~ disparage~ vilify~ defame--- Slander!"
I was conversing with a friend and she said, “What do you do when someone slanders you?”
“You just have to ignore it,” I said.
“What?! No! I have to defend myself!” She said in an adamant tone.
“That is going to be a great mistake!”
“It is unfair to me!”
“It is, but it would be more beneficial if you ignore it! Truth always comes to light. Just be patient.”
“I still feel that I should defend myself!” She said…

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Saturday, April 7, 2012

“Eyes Open”

It is scary to see someone sleeping with their eyes open~ It is even scarier if you are trying to wake them up and they are not answering or indicating that they are hearing you.
I was at a function and it was one of the most boring, gatherings that I ever attended. Lots of people fell asleep. In order not to feel embarrassed I tried my best to stay awake~ Hiding my yawning and restlessness by sipping from a glass of water. I also kept looking at the program to see if I could slip away unnoticed. A lady near to me, fell asleep with her eyes open, then, she started to snore. As her slumber got deeper, her snoring got louder. I looked at another lady and I opened my eyes wide and smiled. She started to giggle~ I bit my lips to stop me from doing the same. A man, who was near to the sleeper, tapped her gently calling her name. She was not responding and he kept on calling her. I looked at her and all I could see were her open eyes. The woman who was giggling whispered, “Is she dead?”
For a scary moment, that thought crossed my mind but then the snoring took on a higher pitch…

Friday, April 6, 2012

“I Still Love The Thrill”

Hot cross buns~ orange peel tea, with brown sugar. Today was a nice sunny day for the beach~ If I was in Trinbago, I would go to the beach, and walk along the shore. The sound of the waves~ the sea spray~ and the salty smell in the atmosphere, would entice me to get into the water. I know many people bathe in the sea on Good Friday and not a thing happened, but I wouldn’t go in~ I still love the thrill of thinking that I would turn into a fish…

Thursday, April 5, 2012

“A Moment With Bruno”

A moment of nostalgia just hit me~ It brought a smile to my lips~ It was a moment with Bruno. The first day we got him, I was happy. He was a nice black and white puppy with kind eyes.
I was sitting on the step, he ran towards me, stood in front of me wagging his tail, and then he gave a friendly bark. I knew he was saying, “Hello.” I smiled and said, “Come here.”
He came closer and I just kept looking into his eyes because I wanted to see who would blink first. We had a staring match going on and my eyes were becoming teary, but I kept staring~ Bruno started whining…

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


We think sometimes that poverty is only being hungry, naked and homeless. The poverty of being unwanted, unloved and uncared for is the greatest poverty. We must start in our own homes to remedy this kind of poverty~ Mother Teresa…

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

“The Unexpected”

In this new world that we are living in, we all have to be prepared~ Be prepared, for the unexpected~ We really don’t know when it will make an appearance…

Monday, April 2, 2012

“Stressful Moments”

Life is what you make it… Spending every waking moment, thinking about the things you have no control over ~stressful moments…
"God loves me!"

Sunday, April 1, 2012


I love~love~
It is one of the best emotions~
It is the best medicine for the heart~
Yes I can say something negative about it, but when I get to the root of how I feel, I have to say, “I love~ love.”
When it is there to behold and you grasp it~ It delivers some sweet intimate moments that over rides the heart into ecstasy~ I have to say it again~ “I love~ love!”…