Friday, September 30, 2011

“Last Night”

It was a dark, dreary night with a chill in the air, but a song was playing around and around in my head so I started singing… ‘The sun’ll come out tomorrow~ Bet your bottom dollar~ that tomorrow` there’ll be sun!’
I woke up tomorrow which is today and the sun is shining brightly in the cloudless sky so I am singing this morning. ‘Oh what a beautiful morning~ Oh what a beautiful day~ I have a beautiful feeling~ Everything’s going my way’.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

“They Suck Out Your Dreams”

Some tell you that it doesn’t make sense that you want to do it… Others say it would be a waste of time… Some say it is not a good idea… Others say you should do it this way… Some say that you should do it that way… Others give you a list of things you should do before you do it… After they are finished with all their negative words… You feel so weary that you no longer have the energy… The drive to do it. They suck out your dreams…

"A Better Day"

Good morning to all... Remember who calms your fears... I hope today is a better day for you all than yesterday... My day started very early and I planned what I want to do... But as the old folks say make plans and God will laugh... I know he is not laughing at me because he wants me to have a better day today than yesterday... Amen and AMEN!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

“A Finger In Your Face”

I was walking towards them. They were high school students. He had an angry smirk on his face and was spitting out rebuking words. She looked scared… when I got closer, he pushed her against a wall. The pointing finger was in her face again and he said, “Don’t tell anyone you are not with me. We are together, do you hear me?!” In a trembling voice she said, “Yes.”
I wanted to say to this guy, “I could see why she doesn’t want to be with you.” On the other hand, I was thinking that the last time I saw a man pointing his finger in a woman face… A few minutes later, he was begging her to stop biting it…

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


“I couldn’t be with a woman like you. You are just too serious.”
“I couldn’t be with a man like you. You are a big…”
Before she could finish, he interrupted her. “Yes, I know that I am a big shot… I am a chief financial officer, I have lots of money in the bank, a nice car, and a beautiful home. I have everything that most men want.”
“It’s amazing that you didn’t even mention your wife and children in your list of valuables!”
“I did mention that I have a beautiful home. They all live in that home. So, I have the perfect life.”
“Yes you are a big shot... with a big-head…”

Monday, September 26, 2011


He, She or It inspires… motivates… stir… encourage… rouse… etcetera… etcetera… you! Any word out of the list you prefer is fine with me… Just don’t think that I am crazy, sinful or stupid because He, She, or It didn’t arouse me…

Sunday, September 25, 2011

“Mosquitoes Buzzing Singing”

One night I was in a deep sleep then I heard the buzzing singing mosquitoes… I got up and I looked at the time. It was 2.30AM… Pissed is an understatement to how angry I was… I looked around the bedroom then I saw two of them resting on the wall. I killed them… dead… This was in the fall season… Fall just began and last night the buzzing/singing started… Oh gosh so every fall I am going to hear them…

"Looking At The Movie"

If you don’t mean to ruin the ending… Shut-up!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

“Keep Your Mind On”

Stop giving away your worth! Don’t get tired of looking at him standing up! Don’t be anxious to see how he looks, lying on top of you! Listen to him! What comes out of his mouth is what is in his head! Keep your mind on! What you see and hear from him… is what you get!

Friday, September 23, 2011

“The Defender Always Gets Punished”

Bullying is never going to stop! There is always someone in this unforgiving world who wants to have power over someone…
He/She feels energized by his/her mean-spirit. Some of us have the skills to handle a bully some don’t… The victim’s defender gets frustrated and he/she comes face to face with the bully… Now the bully becomes the victim because he/she was taken down. The law is always on the bully’s side because the defender gets punished…

Thursday, September 22, 2011

“Owners… Their Dogs Numbers”

My usual morning walk was kinda zigzag because of the amount of dog numbers on the sidewalk… I want to know if people feel comfortable after letting their dogs do it on the sidewalk... leave it there. This is a school zone and more children than adults walk this pathway daily… People please… As the old folks say, “Charity begins at home and ends abroad.” I just could imagine the inside of their homes.
Anyway the law in NY states that perpetrators of this crime would be charged $250.00… The people who monitor the cameras should check the tapes and charge them… I am sure they would make enough money to save many teachers jobs…

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

“Two Beautiful Moments”

I was sitting on the porch with my father. We were eating toupi tambo. He, as usual, was talking about his life as a boy and I was laughing at the funny things he said. It was just a beautiful bright, sunny, fun filled morning. Suddenly, the area looked a bit shaded as though a thin layer of clouds was covering the sun. I looked up, but all I saw were hundreds of small yellow butterflies. They were all flying in one direction at a quick pace. I love butterflies, so to see so many at one time had me enchanted…

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

“A Beautiful Old Soul”

One day, I went to visit a friend. While we were chatting, she received a phone call. She said hello and listen for less than five minutes then she gently put the phone on the coffee table. We continued talking for about ten minutes then she said, “Hold your last word.”
I stopped talking and she picked up the phone, listened, then she said, “Yes. It’s true. You are so right.” After she said that, she put the phone down and she said to me, “What were you saying?”
“I will continue, but is there someone on the phone?”
“Yes my aunt. She is 90 years old. When she calls, she talks and talks. I usually put the phone on speaker and listen while I do my everyday jobs. At different times, I would say something to her.”
“Does she answer?”
“Not to what I am saying. She talks about things she did when she was a child. Some of things I remember hearing about so it’s a beautiful trip down memory lane with her.”
“Don’t you ever get bored, hearing her stories?”
“No. She is just a beautiful old soul, who tells great stories.”
“Do you mind putting her on the speaker-phone?” I asked feeling a bit thrilled to hear her.
“No. I don’t mind.” She smiled happily as she pressed the speaker button.
Her Aunt’s voice sounded strong. She talked slowly, but on point about her life. I was completely enthralled by her tale…

Monday, September 19, 2011

“An Intimate Encounter”

So many children are being killed by the hands of the boyfriend/stepfather. Some women with children are involved with men who abuse their children. They don’t object to this kind of treatment, because they believe… They are in love with the man and he loves them…The man would leave them if they object… They dislike the child because he/she looks like their biological father… The woman has an extreme dislike for the child’s father. Whatever the reason, there must have been a good moment with this man, because she was enticed to have a deep intimate encounter with him…


Winter is coming but fall is here and ragweed is in bloom... Itchy eyes, nose and throat; Runny nose and teary eyes… sneezing is also included. Are you taking your Cod liver Oil capsules and vitamin C? It’s time to build up your immune system to face this weather...

Sunday, September 18, 2011

“My Sugar Rush”

I am having a sugar rush this morning, but I am ignoring my favorite cookies –Oreo, Rough Top and Keebler Fudge Stripes Original.
Five o’clock this morning, I walked by the cookie container and there was, one pack of Oreos and two bags of Rough Tops. “No. It is too early,” I whispered then I decided to make a cup of coffee. When I opened the refrigerator, sitting on a shelf was a pack of Keebler –Fudge Stripes Original. I closed the fridge and walked out of the kitchen. Temptation is at its heights so very early in the morning.
I counted the hours then at seven thirty, I decided that I needed my cup of coffee. When I was finished making it, I took a sip, it tasted real good… sweet. I kept sipping, and looking at the container of cookies. It was now seven fifty and I was trying to convincing myself that one cookie wouldn’t hurt. The pack of Rough Tops was what my taste buds, was craving. I took one and bit into it, eating it slowly hoping to make the taste linger so I wouldn’t want another… hmm. It was real good, so I popped another into my mouth then another. Six cookies later, I decided that, that was enough but…


Thank God for making me see another day… If you are reading this, thank God. Amen and AMEN!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

“Answer The Question”

Your child asked you a question and your answer to him/her… “You are beside yourself! You too farse! You too nosey!”
No one wants their child/children to be stupid. Share your knowledge! Answer the question…

“What Is Love”

Love is a golden Cord. It binds together. If one is full of love he does not need commands of any kind… Aquarian Gospel Of Jesus the Christ.

Friday, September 16, 2011


Lin had lunch with him on a number of occasions and on this occasion it was the same. Her heart was in a delightful mood because everything about him enticed her… The way he intonated words, the way they flowed smoothly from his beautiful lips and he said all the things she wanted to hear. She was in love with him. He, on the other hand, was thinking that she was a good friend, who was a good listener and he hoped she wasn’t reading more into his kindness.

“It Is Cold”

I went outside this morning and it was cold so I thought by lunch time it would be a bit warmer. I wasn’t! Now it is 4:30PM and it is cold... So I guess that this cold autumn day is the beginning of… Oh shivering~ ~ ~ ~ –WINTER!!!

Thursday, September 15, 2011


“What goes into the mouth does not defile a man, but it is what comes out of the mouth that defiles a man.” Matt. 15:11.
Oh gosh!!! The things I am seeing and hearing… hmm!!! Defilement is at its heights!!!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Could never be the foundation of a home… A home built on sex comes cascading down… climax!

“Be Ready”

That one thing that you really want/don’t want, can come to you in a flash… be careful what you ask for!


Gone is the age of innocence… Life lost is a treasure gone.


Some people’s role in life is to notify society about your status…

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

“She was Cocksure”

The interview was in two parts. After the first part, she was cocksure that she got the job. She felt that her qualifications and her effortless response to the questions was a plus.
The interviewer felt that she was too verbose. After ten minutes, he decided that this wordy candidate was fired…

Monday, September 12, 2011


“Secrets… HURT.
Deceit… DESTROY.
Jealousy… A KILLER.


The summer skated by so quickly. I just can't believe it... I complained about the heat over and over again... I am not even going to say anything about autumn because before you know it, winter is going to be here. I am getting set to complain about the cold over and over again...Oh gosh, here we go again...

Sunday, September 11, 2011

“Man Is Hurting Man”

I woke up the morning of 9/11/2001 at 5:00AM, feeling good. My husband left for work, my son for school and I was getting my daughter dressed for daycare. The television was on, but I wasn’t looking or listen to it.
My daughter said, “Mommy look, the building burning.”
There was fire and black smoke, coming from one of the World Trade Center buildings. It was so surreal that I said, “They are probably filming a movie.”
Although I was thinking along those lines, I started to listen to the news. The reporter said that a plane crashed into one of the WTC buildings.
I took my daughter to daycare. Everyone I met was talking about the plane crash. For some reason, it felt as though a dark cloud had descended on New York. I dropped off my daughter, hurried home and sat in front of the television. As I looked at it, a plane came on the screen. It was flying towards WTC and I thought that this was a replay of the first plane crash. I gasped in shocked, as the reporter said that this was another plane. I looked through the window and thick black smoke was moving across the sky. The reporter then said that another plane crashed into the Pentagon. This was the third plane that crashed into buildings. I wondered what was going on and my heart was racing. A bitter taste was in my mouth… Fear was embedded deep within me, but I was thinking that man was at it again. He was hurting man…

Saturday, September 10, 2011

“I love Saturdays”

There is something about Saturdays that puts me in a tranquil mood… from childhood and it never fails. It doesn’t matter where I am, the moment I wake up, the feelings starts…
It is twilight and the tranquil mood is there. A moment of melancholy sets into my mood, but I still love Saturdays…

Friday, September 9, 2011

I have so much that I want to say about this world that is being overcome by…

“Little Boys”

I remember little boys in Trinbago used to wear short pants… They used to be anxiously waiting on the age when they would step into long pants… Now, little boys are wearing long pants… playing man.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

“A Creepy Moment

You open your front door at 6:00 o’clock in the morning because you are heading to work… What do you see? A man sleeping on the steps that leads to the roof. Oh what a creepy moment. You step back inside and you close the door. Now you are wondering if you should get your two by four piece of wood or call the police…


‘Silence Is Golden’… So they say. I did not blog for two days and the silence was mind-numbing… At that point in my life silence was not golden…

Monday, September 5, 2011

Think seriously about the importance of staying on track… Don’t channel your aspirations off course!”

Sunday, September 4, 2011

“A New Day”

A new day is dawning. It is the beginning of the new chapter in your life. Yesterday’s chapter is your history. Let go of the thoughts of stressful situations, failure or thoughts of wanting to be like someone else. Start your new chapter to the best of your ability, making it noteworthy…

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Before honor is humility and a haughty spirit before a fall… (The Pilgrim’s Progress – John Bunyan)

Friday, September 2, 2011

Matt. 6:34 – Do not be anxious about tomorrow; for tomorrow will have anxieties of its own: sufficient for the day is its own trouble.

“A Child’s Forte”

Innocence is a child’s forte… The adult in his/her life must put on the strong suit of nurturing. When the child, say or do something that is tactless, it may seem funny and the adults laugh along with the child.
In most cases, that is a mistake… The adult is supposed to inform the child that what he/she did is morally wrong. If the opportunity is missed to teach good ethics, then there will be problems…

Thursday, September 1, 2011

“No One Understands Stupidity”

They all felt that their friend was being mistreated by his wife, but they did not say anything to him. ‘STUPID’ was the label they attached to him.
One day, they were hanging out and he called to let them know he wasn’t coming.
“I am sure it’s because of Shelley why he is not coming! You guys gave him the right name –Stupid!” Marion shouted as she hung up the phone. Her grandmother walked by in time to hear her and she asked why they labeled their friend… ‘Stupid’. After they told her why, she said, “When you see someone doing something and you deem them to be stupid, your mind did not comprehend the significance of their actions. The truth of the matter is… No one understands stupidity!”