Tuesday, February 8, 2022

“God helps those who help themselves,” is not in the Bible. It’s in the Koran :- "Indeed, Allah will not change the condition of a person until they change what is in themselves.”

Before the Koran it appears in a first century A.D. Greek fable. A driver appeals to Hercules for help. Hercules told him to get to work himself. In the 1600s a French author said “Help yourself and Heaven will help you too.” In 17th century English thinker Algernon Sidney is credited with the now familiar wording, “God helps those who help themselves.” In 1736 Benjamin Franklin use the saying in a book. My father was born in 1913 and my mother in 1925 and they did say they heard their parents say it. So, it is old but it is the most truthful saying ever. We have to help our self to live the life we want.  

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