Monday, February 28, 2022

Trinbagonians talk. (227) The wickedness of the wicked will come to an end.

The way people are behaving, the gruesome things they are doing; they have no fear of the LORD. My father used to say, ‘heaven and hell is right hear on this earth’. I believe that is a fact.

Friday, February 25, 2022

Trinbagonians talk. (226) Every day is a new story, oui. As the old Trinbago folks used to say, when it rains, it, pours.

Last Sunday morning when I woke up, I put on my cell phone and it was working fine. Minutes later the screen went blank so I plugged it in to charge. Nothing happened. The television was working fine. We started to watch Netflix then the TV cut off. The internet went down, but the land line was working. My contact list is on the dead cell phone. I used to have an address book with phone numbers, but I do not know where it is. And life goes on.


Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Trinbagonians talk. (225) I love the old folks. Dey doh put water in dey mout’ Dem does say wat dey want to say.

I heard two old ladies talking; The first lady said: “Girl you know the bills does take all my social security money.”

Second lady: “Yes it does. Right now, I only have 25 dollars for the rest of the month until next month.”

First lady: “You have more than me. I have 11.33 cents. That pittance is supposed to last me until next month. I could do with a stimulus check.

Second lady: “I don’t have high hopes about that. Girl, don’t hold your breath. The money is going to pay for mayhem.”

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Trinbagonians talk. (224) Ah kno’ some people go get vex about dis post, buh it eh no big thing to me if yuh delete me.

A lot of the things we were told as children was a big lie and we did pass it on to our children. When I think about it, I see the foolishness. Someone sent me a video with a man talking about us waiting on God… on Jesus to help us. He said God… Jesus is not coming. We are praying for God to fix our situations, but it remains the same day in and day out.  We have to help our self.  The old Trinbago Folks used to say, “God helps those who help themselves.”  I know God. I know what he has done for me. Prayer without good works is dead. Good works means you are doing what you need to do help yourself.

Tuesday, February 8, 2022

“God helps those who help themselves,” is not in the Bible. It’s in the Koran :- "Indeed, Allah will not change the condition of a person until they change what is in themselves.”

Before the Koran it appears in a first century A.D. Greek fable. A driver appeals to Hercules for help. Hercules told him to get to work himself. In the 1600s a French author said “Help yourself and Heaven will help you too.” In 17th century English thinker Algernon Sidney is credited with the now familiar wording, “God helps those who help themselves.” In 1736 Benjamin Franklin use the saying in a book. My father was born in 1913 and my mother in 1925 and they did say they heard their parents say it. So, it is old but it is the most truthful saying ever. We have to help our self to live the life we want.