Sunday, May 24, 2020

When Dolly Parton sings this verse in her song Hello God; ‘We fight and kill each other, In Your name defending You, Do You love some more than others? We're so lost and confused’. Reminds me of the saddest bus rides I ever had in my life. One day more than 15 years ago I was on a B44 bus heading home from church. A man was speaking loudly and everyone else was quiet. He was saying that he doesn’t understand why black and brown people go to church praising God. He doesn’t love us. Paul and Sarah were with me and they became a little agitated but I told them to listen we will talk when we get home. This man went on talking about going to prison for a crime he did not do and about the innocent brothers in prison? He said not everyone is innocent. Some are, but there is no justice for black and brown people? He also said that he cannot go anywhere without being afraid the police will stop him. Even on this bus he knows that he is being judged. He is alone, homeless, jobless and hated because he is black. I felt he was a lost soul. I got off the bus with tears in my eyes.

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