Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Please note I am not a doctor so I am not telling anyone to do this. My mother and the neighbors used to talk about eating garlic or making a tea with it to help bring down their blood pressure. I never suffered from high blood pressure, but from the moment I had Sarah my blood pressure went up. I was calm but Harold looked scared and I whispered to him, “Bring me 2 cloves of garlic, a bottle of water and gum.” He said, “What!? “Don’t worry I will be fine. I know what I am doing.” The next day when he came, I peeled one of the garlic cloves and took a bite. It burned and tasted bad but I drank water to wash it down. While I was eating the garlic, Harold was talking his concerns. Complaining that Trinbagonians love to play doctor, but he hopes the garlic works. After eating the garlic, I brushed my teeth then started to chew the gum. When the doctor came, he told me he would have to put me on medication because my blood pressure was still high. The nurse came to give me the medication, but she took my pressure and it was normal.” She said, “this is weird. I will tell your doctor.” Garlic is good for many things. Roasted garlic in olive oil taste good.

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