Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The gruesome murder of Mary Turner and her baby. (May,1918 lynching) Hampton Smith a plantation owner, from Brooks County Georgia used to abuse and beat his workers. Mary Turner was once severely beaten by Smith and when her husband threatened him, local authorities sentenced Hazel Turner to time on a chain gang. Smith was shot and killed by one of his workers. A mob driven manhunt for the killer resulted in the lynching of 13 black people, including some who were in the local jail. Nineteen-year-old and eight months pregnant, Mary Turner publicly denied that her husband had anything to do with the murder of Hampton Smith. The mob was angry by her remarks so they decided to teach her a lesson. She fled, but was caught and dragged to Folsom Bridge. The mob tied her ankles, strung her upside down, doused her clothes in gasoline and set her on fire. While she was still alive, someone split open her stomach and her unborn baby slid out and fell to the ground. The mob stomped and crushed the baby to death. They then shot Mary Turner. Her bullets riddled body, along with her baby were buried a few feet away from where they were murdered.

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