Friday, January 11, 2019

Women have to stop embarrassing women. This world is in too much of suffering for little things to make the news. I was freaking upset to see a video of a woman peeing in another woman’s yard. Although they blurred the woman, I think this is something that shouldn’t be on the news. I remember one day I was out shopping and I felt like going but I thought I could make it home. Before I entered the building, a neighbor stopped me and we talked for a moment. After speaking to her I entered the building keys in hand and I ran up the steps to the 4th floor. When I got to the door, I opened the door and as I stepped in a river. Which woman don’t get a moment of wanting to pee so bad that it trickles down? I felt good I got home but I sympathize with those who don’t make it home or to a bathroom.

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