Thursday, December 13, 2018

God winks at ignorance, judgement for the man who is knowledgeable. Acts. 17-30
A child doesn’t see ugliness in how someone looks. They see it in the way a person behaves. Paul and Sarah are the ones who brought that to light for us. There was a man we know that Harold and I used to say was ugly. One day when Sarah was 4 years old, she was saying to Paul who was 11 years, that the man was a nice, kind, person. Paul agreed with her and they went on talking about him. Then it hit us that at no time this man was disrespectful and everything we asked him to do for us, he did without a problem. We adults really have to think about what we say and how we behave and stop judging others.  
Happy Thursday to you and your family. Enjoy your day and be safe.

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