Monday, December 3, 2018

2018 is a remarkable year.
A lot took place. Most of the people I know had something major happened to them or their family. Sickness does not respect anyone. I spent 10 days in the hospital. When I returned home, I was not walking, could not lift my left leg and my balance was off. Sitting on a chair was uncomfortable. I felt as though I would fall off. The first week of therapy, I did not think what my therapist was telling me to do, would help me and my family agreed with me. Although I did not believe in the exercises and they were a bit difficult, I kept doing what he said. The second week I could sit comfortable on a chair and lift my left leg. The third week I was standing without feeling unstable and a few days later I was walking with my walker. Today I can use my cane. I can even do my favorite thing… cook. Thanks be to God every day is a better day for me.

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