Monday, December 31, 2018

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I just finished looking at Bird Box. It was good.

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Thanks be to God we are seeing the last day of 2018. Happy Old Year’s Day. Enjoy the festivities and be safe.  

Sunday, December 30, 2018

A wonderful peaceful Sunday to you and your family. Enjoy and be safe.
It has been a wonderful year being friends with you. You made me laugh, emotional and when I was having a nonchalant moment, you made me remember that life is not a bed of roses. As we head into 2019, I pray that we get strength and courage to face every day.
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Saturday, December 29, 2018

This guy is talking about us, Black Women and he had me smiling. He made some good points.

The End of the Year is going to be upon us soon and the New Year begins. Remember kindness is the key to happiness. Selfishness takes you to the point where you lose yourself in your self-centeredness and you blame everyone for your misery.
Enjoy your day and be safe.

Friday, December 28, 2018

Happy Friday to you and your family. Enjoy your day and be safe.

Remember if you are doing something for someone, do not say to them, “You see what I am doing for you?” Saying that gives the impression that you are not doing it sincerely. If you give a gift do not say, “You see the nice thing I gave you, don’t break it, give it away.” When you give something; your time or an item give it with a giving heart. If you give with a giving heart, it no longer belongs to you. When you attach rules and regulations to your gifts, you are blocking your blessing. “Freely give, freely receive.”

Thursday, December 27, 2018

I remember years ago a child complained that her mother’s boyfriend was touching her inappropriately. The mother said that she was lying and she is hot… having feelings for the man and she reprimanded the child.
2018 is coming to an end but some people do not intend to stop being dishonest, hurtful and deceitful. I know that children do tell lies. They will lie about not taking the cookie, the candy or any of the missing munchies. They will lie about the broken glass, bowl plate etc. They are the most honest people when they give their opinion about someone. When they tell you about them, good or bad, believe it. Have a nice day. Enjoy and be safe.

Kevin Spacey “Let Me Be Frank” video is spine-chilling, just creepy especially for his accusers. I heard that there is a video of him touching a young boy. This man needs to shut up and go away.

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

I thank God for my neighbors. FedEx don’t ring my doorbell, they drop off my packages on the step below the doorbells. The only good thing about that is any one of my neighbors would bring it to us. We do the same if we see any of their packages in the foyer. There are still good people around. Thank God we don’t have porch pirates.

Have a nice safe day.

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Sunday, December 23, 2018

In my opinion it looks foolish and yes call me selfish, but I do things to please me and my family and not my neighbor. Remember not to hang your curtains with the design facing the road so that your neighbor could see. Why are you beautifying your neighbor’s eyes and not the eyes of you and your family? Your neighbor doesn’t give ah damn if your Sunday falls on a Monday. Happy Sunday to you and your family. Enjoy your day and be safe.

Saturday, December 22, 2018

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Thursday, December 20, 2018

Thanks be to God we are seeing another day. Amen and Amen to that. Enjoy your day and be safe. Remember What in darkness is going to come to light. Truth is going to prevail.

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Trinbagonians I heard that some people are saying that they did not get their package from Petrotrin. I have been away from Trinbago for 29 years but I always heard that when you are retiring you have to make sure that your documents are in order, ie., Your identification, Birth paper, ID card etc… Taxes filed for all the years you worked and your place of abode … address is listed. If those things are not in order you will not get a dime. If all your paper work is in order then Petrotrin’s management are being fraudulent.
Have a nice day. Enjoy and be safe.

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

I want snow for Christmas but then what about the homeless. The people who are going to be out in the cold. Lord I am thankful for what you decide for the day. I pray that the homeless get a warm shelter and a hot meal. Amen.
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Monday, December 17, 2018

Remember to stop complaining about the things that are worthless. Stop being a nag. Stop loving material things so it causes you to be hurtful to the ones you love. Be kind, loving and giving. Have a nice day. Enjoy and be safe.

Sunday, December 16, 2018

So many people are crying. God knows why.
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Happy Sunday to you and your family. I want you have it all.

Saturday, December 15, 2018

A wonderful safe day to you and your family.
Ps. 19:14. Let the words of our mouth and the thoughts of our heart find favor before you, O LORD, our rock, and our redeemer. Amen.
Ps.7:9. “Oh let the wickedness of the wicked come to an end; but establish the just: for the righteous God trieth the hearts and reins.” Amen.

Friday, December 14, 2018

I am flaming mad. I watch this white woman hitting a Chinese woman with an umbrella. She was also kicking her. That thing pissed me off. Hate crimes are happening daily in New York. You don’t know who is who so mind your business if you are not white.

Thursday, December 13, 2018

God winks at ignorance, judgement for the man who is knowledgeable. Acts. 17-30
A child doesn’t see ugliness in how someone looks. They see it in the way a person behaves. Paul and Sarah are the ones who brought that to light for us. There was a man we know that Harold and I used to say was ugly. One day when Sarah was 4 years old, she was saying to Paul who was 11 years, that the man was a nice, kind, person. Paul agreed with her and they went on talking about him. Then it hit us that at no time this man was disrespectful and everything we asked him to do for us, he did without a problem. We adults really have to think about what we say and how we behave and stop judging others.  
Happy Thursday to you and your family. Enjoy your day and be safe.

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Have a nice day. Enjoy and be safe.
“Therefore, since we are God’s offspring, we should not think that the divine being is like gold or silver or stone—an image made by human design and skill. In the past God overlooked such ignorance, but now he commands all people everywhere to repent. For he has set a day when he will judge the world with justice by the man he has appointed. He has given proof of this to everyone by raising him from the dead.” Acts 17:29-31 

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

I am feeling the Christmas Spirit and I feel like eating all the things I eat at Christmas time. Fruit cake is at the top of the list and then sweet bread. I could eat a piece of sweet bread with some extra sharp cheddar cheese. Well I can dream of some sugar for Christmas. Have a wonderful day. Enjoy and be safe.

Monday, December 10, 2018

It’s Monday. Don’t be mad. It’s a new day, you are seeing it so your history continues. Enjoy your day and be safe.

Sunday, December 9, 2018

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Friday, December 7, 2018

Happy Friday to you and your family. Enjoy your day and be safe.
I looked at the Trumps holding hands and they remind me of my Elementary School days, when my teacher said, “Class, stand in front of the class and make two straight lines.” After we made the lines she would say, “Hold hands with the person next to you.” You look at the person next to you and your face falls in because it is someone you don’t like.  

Thursday, December 6, 2018

People always say ‘Thanks for your service’, yet soldiers are always disrespected. Life is for living. Be kind, honest, truthful and stop making the people who you are not important to be important to you. Have a nice day. Enjoy and be safe.

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

It is a wonderful day and we are seeing it. I don’t know what you are going through, but I pray that today is a better day for you. Have a nice day. Enjoy and be safe. All the people who talk about you, good or bad just remember you are important to somebody. Amen.

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

A Happy safe Tuesday to you and your family.
Snow is not my favorite thing but when it snows, the first two days I like how the area looks, but days after it looks really dirty. If we get less than 4 inches of snow, we have to deal with slipping, sliding and falling. Snow for Christmas is my favorite kind of Christmas. I remember one Christmas the temperature was in the 70s. A warm Christmas and it felt strange. We were going to a family gathering and I was dressed in a dress without sleeves. Outside felt like a summer day. Global warming is real. Man needs to stop messing with the planet.
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Monday, December 3, 2018

2018 is a remarkable year.
A lot took place. Most of the people I know had something major happened to them or their family. Sickness does not respect anyone. I spent 10 days in the hospital. When I returned home, I was not walking, could not lift my left leg and my balance was off. Sitting on a chair was uncomfortable. I felt as though I would fall off. The first week of therapy, I did not think what my therapist was telling me to do, would help me and my family agreed with me. Although I did not believe in the exercises and they were a bit difficult, I kept doing what he said. The second week I could sit comfortable on a chair and lift my left leg. The third week I was standing without feeling unstable and a few days later I was walking with my walker. Today I can use my cane. I can even do my favorite thing… cook. Thanks be to God every day is a better day for me.

Sunday, December 2, 2018

Happy Sunday to you and your family. Enjoy your day and be safe.

I'm Blessed
Charlie Wilson
Ask me how I'm doing, I'm blessed, yes.
Living every moment, no regrets.
Smile up on my face, I'm like oh yes.
I'm blessed yes, I'm blessed yes
Waking up, thanking God, every day is feeling just like Sunday.
Wifey fly, by my side, green light.
Everything is going my way.
Riding clean, living dreams.
Just left the barber and I'm feeling like Midas.
Heard 'em say give 'em praise.
What’s in the water got 'em acting like this.
Ain't a day go by, that I don't try.
To thank the Lord up above.
And if you wondering why, I'm loving life.
Come close and I'll tell you what's up.
Ask me how I'm doing, I'm blessed, yes.
Living every moment, no regrets.
Smile up on my face, I'm like oh yes.
I'm blessed yes, I'm blessed yes.
Ask me how I'm doing, I'm blessed yes.
Living every moment no regrets…

Saturday, December 1, 2018

George H. W. Bush
41st U.S. President
George gone to meet Barbara
RIP President Bush
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When I was pregnant with my son, I was tested 28 years ago. When I was pregnant with my daughter, 21 years ago I was tested. When I was in the hospital March 2018, and my doctor told me that he wants me to get tested, I was afraid for a moment, but then I said to myself, I am not going out of my home and my husband also said he is not outside so I let fear go. I also said God you are in charge and I was tested. Don’t let fear stop you from getting tested. It is better to be safe than sorry. Get tested.
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Thanks be to God another day is added to our history. Amen and Amen to that.