Saturday, February 24, 2018

Image result for Thomas Elkins

Image result for Chamber Commode

2018 Black History Month.
Dr. Thomas Elkins. (1818-1900)
Inventor, abolitionist, and a medical professional.
Dr. Thomas Elkins supported the Underground Railroad in Albany, New York. He studied surgery and dentistry, operated a pharmacy in Albany and offered dental services.
In the 1870s, Dr. Elkins successfully filed a series of patents. His invention for the Chamber Commode (toilet), received U.S. Patent number 122,518. This Chamber Commode had a bureau, mirror, bookshelf, washstand, table, easy-chair, and earth-closet or chamber-stool.
The Albany Handbook identifies Dr. Thomas Elkins as a “district physician,” which is recognized by the city of New York.

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