Sunday, February 25, 2018

Happy Sunday to you and yours. Enjoy your day and be safe. 
Also unto thee, O LORD, belongeth mercy; for thou renderest to every man according to his work. Ps. 62:12.  

Saturday, February 24, 2018

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2018 Black History Month.
Dr. Thomas Elkins. (1818-1900)
Inventor, abolitionist, and a medical professional.
Dr. Thomas Elkins supported the Underground Railroad in Albany, New York. He studied surgery and dentistry, operated a pharmacy in Albany and offered dental services.
In the 1870s, Dr. Elkins successfully filed a series of patents. His invention for the Chamber Commode (toilet), received U.S. Patent number 122,518. This Chamber Commode had a bureau, mirror, bookshelf, washstand, table, easy-chair, and earth-closet or chamber-stool.
The Albany Handbook identifies Dr. Thomas Elkins as a “district physician,” which is recognized by the city of New York.

Friday, February 23, 2018

Teachers with guns. New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio says no. THANK YOU!
I am so proud of me and my battle with sugar.

Once a month we used to go to Junior’s restaurant for breakfast and I would buy a Strawberry cheese cake. Since sugar and I have been having a disagreement we haven’t been and that is more than 2 yrs ago. Out of the blues on the last Saturday in January Sarah went to Junior’s and she bought a Strawberry Cheese Cake, and chocolate cake. I did have a sliver of the cheese cake. It tasted good but I did not feel that great after. I did not say anything to Sarah because this was on me. Last week she went back to Juniors and bought the same thing. Right now, there is a box with a nice sweet looking Strawberry Cheese Cake in the refrigerator. but I did not and will not eat any. I really don’t like how sick I feel after having sugar.
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Thursday, February 22, 2018

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2018 Black History Month.
Marjorie Stewart Joyner. (1896-1994)
She was an African American business woman. In 1916, she graduated from Molar Beauty School in Chicago with a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) degree. The first African American to achieve this. She invented a permanent wave machine. This machine was popular in salons with African American women and white women. She helped write the first cosmetology laws for the state of Illinois, founded a sorority and fraternity, Alpha Chi Pi Omega as well as a national association for black beauticians.
Marjorie Stewart Joyner was friends with Eleanor Roosevelt, and helped found the National Council of Negro Women. In 1987 the Smithsonian Institution in Washington opened an exhibit featuring Joyner's permanent wave machine. (U.S. pat. #1,693,515)

Happy Thursday. Enjoy your day and be safe. 
Many men are just arrogant, egotistical assholes. Chauvinist pigs. Men with this type of attitudes doesn’t realize that you don’t ever piss of women and the youths. You will not win the argument.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

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2018 Black History Month.

Sarah Elisabeth Jacobs-Goode (1855-1905). 
Many people lived in small homes or studios so Sarah Goode invented a folding cabinet bed. The bed looked like a desk when it was folded up and it had room for storage. People were able to utilize the spaces in their homes efficiently.
Sarah Elisabeth Jacobs-Goode received a patent for the bed on July 14, 1885. 

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

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2018 Black History Month.
David Crosthwait Jr. (1898-1976)
Thanks to African American Inventor Mr David Crosthwait Jr. for Heating, Ventilation and Air condition. He held more than 30 US patents. The heating system at Radio City Music Hall in New York City was done by David Crosthwait Jr.  

Saturday, February 17, 2018

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2018 Black History Month
Annie Minerva Turnbo Malone (1877-1957)
African-American Educator, Entrepreneur & Inventor.
Annie Minerva Turnbo Malone developed and manufactured her own line of non-damaging hair straighteners, special oils, and hair-stimulant products for African-American women. She named her new product “Wonderful Hair Grower and she sold the Wonderful Hair Grower in bottles from door-to-door.
She was the founder and the owner of Poro College which started in St. Louis and later occupied an entire city block in Chicago which she owned. She was the first person in Missouri to own a Rolls Royce. In 1926 she paid over $40,000.00 in taxes. Annie Malone, trained over 75,000 women entrepreneurs.

Friday, February 16, 2018

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2018 Black History Month
Dr. Mark E. Dean (born 1957).
Thanks to Dr. Mark E. Dean we are able to log in to FB etc.  
Dr. Dean. designed the ISA bus. This hardware interface allowed multiple devices like printers, modems, and keyboards to be plugged into a computer.
The IBM personal computer and the first color computer monitor is credit to Dr. Mark E. Dean.
In 1999 he led the team of programmers that created the world's first gigahertz chip.
Today, Dr. Mark E. Dean holds three of the company's original nine patents, and more than 20 overall. He was inducted into the National Inventors Hall of Fame in 1997. He is now a computer science professor at the University of Tennessee.

PS. The IBM Computer is the first computer I used at work.

Thursday, February 15, 2018

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2018 Black History Month
Alexander Miles(1838–1918)
Alexander Miles invented an important safety feature for elevators—The automatic doors. During the 19th century, passengers on elevators had to manually open and close the doors to the elevator and its shaft. If a rider forgot to close the shaft door, other people could accidentally fall down the long, vertical hole. Mr. Miles’s invention allowed both doors to close at once, preventing accidents.

His invention was patented in 1867. U.S. Patent 371,207. 

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

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2018 Black History Month
Madam C.J. Walker, born Sarah Breedlove. (1867-1919)
in 1905 she invented a line of African-American hair care products, after she suffered from a scalp ailment which caused her hair loss. Madam C.J. Walker was one of the first American women to become a self-made millionaire.

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Tuesday, February 13, 2018

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2018 Black History Month
Jan Ernst Matzeliger. (1852-1889)
Most people in the 19th-century couldn't afford shoes. Thanks to Jan Ernst Matzeliger, an immigrant from Dutch Guiana (now called Surinam). He worked as an apprentice in a Massachusetts shoe factory. Matzeliger invented an automated shoemaking machine. This machine attached a shoe’s upper part to its sole. After it was refined, it could make 700 pairs of shoes each day—a far cry from the 50 per day that workers used to sew by hand. Matzeliger's invention led to lower shoe prices.

Monday, February 12, 2018

Image result for Marie Van Brittan Brown.
2018 Black History Month
Marie Van Brittan Brown. (1922-1999)
The first security system was invented by an African American nurse, Marie Van Brittan Brown. She was a full-time nurse, and she wanted to secure her home so she invented a system that would alert her if strangers were at her door.
Her invention consisted of peepholes, a camera, monitors, and a two-way microphone and then an alarm button that, when pressed, would immediately contact the police. Her patent laid the groundwork for the modern closed-circuit television system that is widely used for surveillance, home security systems, push-button alarm triggers, crime prevention, and traffic monitoring.

Sunday, February 11, 2018

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2018 Black History Month
Mary Beatrice Davidson Kenner (1912-2006)
Ladies we have to say thank you to Mary Beatrice Davidson Kenner. She invented the Sanitary belt, and the sanitary belt with moisture-proof napkin pocket. This gave women a better way of handling their periods. It was patented 30 years after she invented it, because the company who was initially interested in her creation rejected it when they learned that Kenner was African American.

Saturday, February 10, 2018

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Garrett Morgan (1877-1963)
There is always someone trying to break the traffic light. Speed up or run across the street on amber before it turns red. I could imagine how chaotic the roads would have been if Garrett Morgan did not invent the Traffic light.
In 1923, the U.S. Patent Office grants Patent No. 1,475,074 to 46-year-old inventor and newspaperman Garrett Morgan for his three-position traffic signal.

Friday, February 9, 2018

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2018 Black History Month
Major General Marcia Carol Martin Anderson. 
She is the first African-American woman to achieve the federally rank of Major General in the United States Army.

Thursday, February 8, 2018

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2018 Black History Month
Cathay Williams (September 1844 – 1893) Was the first African-American woman to enlist, and the only documented to serve in the United States Army posing as a man. She was an American soldier who enlisted in the United States Army under the pseudonym William Cathay.

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

2018 Black History Month.

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He was the first African-American field officer in the U.S. Army. He led the 52nd U.S. Colored Troops Regiment and became the first line officer in U.S. Army history. He was accepted at Harvard Medical School but was kicked out after three weeks when white students petitioned for his removal.