Saturday, September 9, 2017

Stop tagging me and asking me to send this and that to 12 or more people. I AM NOT IN THE TAGGING BUSINESS!
I don’t like prayer groups. I do not like prayer chains. In most of these groups and chains there is always one or two people who are critical of the other people in the group. Complaining about how they pray. They find that this person/s not saying the prayers correctly or the right way. Who are you God? I know just saying Amen is a prayer. Thank you, God, is enough. The Our Father Pray is what Jesus said you must pray to our father in heaven. So, if that is what someone says all you need to do is say it with them and stop saying the person cannot prayer. That is more than all the dramatic words you put together as though you are on Broadway.

And I pray; A wonderful Saturday to you and yours. Enjoy your day and be safe. Amen.

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