Thursday, August 10, 2017

On a personal note. Remember that you must be on your Ps and Qs with the dollar devils.
I paid a hospital bill and months later I got another bill, I read it then ignored it because I did pay that bill. This morning a woman called and she said that the hospital put me in collections for the bill.
Me, “Miss I paid that bill.”
She, “No you did not.”
Me, “Yes I did. My bank account was debited for the amount.”
She, “Can you send me the information so that I can confirm it.”
Me, “I did not hire you, the hospital did. They cashed my check so you should contact them for confirmation of payment.”
Now I must be ready with check number, amount paid and date paid. I am not going to stop paying my bills with checks. I need a paper-trail in my life so that I have records of bills paid.
A wonderful safe day to you and yours. Enjoy and be safe.

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