Friday, August 25, 2017

NO! The word that we are afraid to say when someone ask us to do something and our gut feeling tells us to say it. The person asking might be a relative or friend so we ignore gut and we say yes.
After the yes, you start screaming inside, ‘why the fuck did I say yes!’ The yes has been said, you do what they asked of you, and then you feel more fucked than before.
That happened to me on many occasions and I felt hurt yet I still say yes. I look at some of the people I said yes to and I am floored by their deceit. They talk about me in a bad way to friends and even to other family members. Deceived and lied to me yet come to me acting as though I am the best person in their life. I played along for 57 fucking years, treating them kindly and today I call it quits.


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