Thursday, August 31, 2017

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

This is what the orange-man and his associates what to bring back to America.

Some people feel elated when they see others in distress.
Another Hurricane Katrina is at hand. LORD HAVE MERCY. Overcrowded shelters. The stench and the atmosphere must be horrendous. The Republicans were in power during Katrina now they are in power for Harvey. LORD PUT A HAND.
They boast that America is the richest country in the world, yet their people suffer. Where is the money?
Did any of you see Django Unchained? Samuel Jackson –-(Character name, Stephen) acted as a hateful negro in it. I saw a man sitting behind the president with a poster Blacks for Trump in 2020. He reminded me of Stephen. Scary. 

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Lying lips are abomination to the Lord: but they that deal truly are his delight. Proverbs 12:22. 
Black people if you love/like the orange man, he will make you eat the bread that the devil knead.
You don’t love God. You don’t love yourself.

Happy Sunday to you and yours. Enjoy your day and be safe.

Friday, August 25, 2017

NO! The word that we are afraid to say when someone ask us to do something and our gut feeling tells us to say it. The person asking might be a relative or friend so we ignore gut and we say yes.
After the yes, you start screaming inside, ‘why the fuck did I say yes!’ The yes has been said, you do what they asked of you, and then you feel more fucked than before.
That happened to me on many occasions and I felt hurt yet I still say yes. I look at some of the people I said yes to and I am floored by their deceit. They talk about me in a bad way to friends and even to other family members. Deceived and lied to me yet come to me acting as though I am the best person in their life. I played along for 57 fucking years, treating them kindly and today I call it quits.


Happy Friday to you and yours. Enjoy your day and be safe. Paul and Sarah want me to write a book about all the shit I have been through. All the people who showed me how much they hate me. The biography of Allison Valentine Joseph.

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Pregnancy is a traumatic thing. With the different hormonal changes a woman go through while she is pregnant. It can be overwhelming to her especially when she is alone. She is faced with snide remarks from relatives, friends, and acquaintances. People can be mean. Even some mothers treat their pregnant daughters badly. Someone always has something to say to a pregnant woman. God or bad she sometimes doesn’t want to hear it. There are times she doesn’t even want to see or talk to anyone, and she doesn’t even want you touching her stomach.
I have two children, Paul, and Sarah. While I was pregnant with Paul I was faced with hurt, deceit and lies. A lot of hatefulness from two very close relatives. I kept it to myself. At one point, I wanted to die. Just end it all, but I know that God wanted me to live. He stopped me from taking that step. The ‘Our Father’ prayer saved my life. It came to me when I was having the desire to die.
Today when I see a woman pregnant, I say a silent prayer for her, hoping that she gets all the support she needs.
Without support trauma can take place and the baby can get hurt. The next time you see a pregnant woman, say a kind word to her. A sincere prayer for her to get strength and courage to face the days ahead. If you can’t do kindness, shut up!
Have a wonderful day and be safe.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

There's a God force inside of you that gives you a will to live. Dick Gregory (1932-2017)

It's cool to be healthy. --- Dick Gregory (1932-2017)

People with high blood pressure, diabetes - those are conditions brought about by life style. If you change the life style, those conditions will leave. --- Dick Gregory (1932-2017)

Monday, August 21, 2017

I remember when I was heading back to school from my lunch break in elementary school, there was a huge orange circle on the ground. Every time I tried to step on it, it moved away. My best friend Ava met me on the way to school and I said, “Ava do you see the orange circle?” she said, “Yes. The sun is in eclipse.” Then I remembered my father did tell us about the eclipse the night before. That was in the 1970’s.
Here we go again. A major eclipse of the sun. I don’t know what the area would look like today because New York is always cloudy, so when something dramatic is happening in the sky you can’t see a thing.
Enjoy your day and be safe.

Sunday, August 20, 2017

R.I.P Jerry Lewis

It'll keep you alive for another 10 years if you get yourself a laugh once a day: either provoke it, or look around in the wildest laboratory in the world, the public. --- Jerry Lewis (1926-2017)
Image result for JERRY LEWIS

R.I.P Dick Gregory

I am really enjoying the new Martin Luther King Jr stamp - just think about all those white bigots, licking the backside of a black man. --- Dick Gregory (1932-2017)

Image result for dick gregory
By their actions you know how their heart feels about you.

Happy Sunday to you and yours. Enjoy your day and be safe. Remember there is a point in your life you must say enough is enough and let go of all the bullshit even the shit from relatives. Just for your peace of mind, call it quits, let them go because you cannot make them love you when their heart hates you.

Saturday, August 19, 2017

I did my DNA and I am amazed to see the names and pictures of the people related to me. I think it is a good thing to do. Who knows, maybe we are related.

I did my DNA with 23andme and it was good. I heard that Ancestry is also good.


I love Saturdays. It’s my day to really enjoy life the most by liming (hanging out). Talking shit and laughing is the main event. Ignoring all the bullshit flowing through the world. I wish you the same. Enjoy and be safe. 

Thursday, August 17, 2017

The republicans tried to repeal and replace Obama care/The Affordable care more than 70 times and it failed to pass. The old Trinbago folks used to say, “If yuh try to do something once, twice and it did not work, doh do it again because it eh go work.” Anyway, orange is such a vindictive man. He is angry that they can’t get rid of Obama care/The Affordable care which is subsides by payments made to insurance companies by the Federal Government.  Because of the subsidiaries premiums are lower. Orange said that he is not going to pay the insurance companies. If he does this, premiums will increase by 20% and many people would not be able to pay their premiums. This will kill the Obama care/The Affordable care.
God don’t like ugly and he don’t care for pretty so the pit orange digging for us, he better dig two oui.

Have a nice day. Enjoy and be safe. 

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

If you did not see this movie It’s about time you do.

America’s shame is America’s legacy. When a black man does a crime, his name is spoken on every news channel and his face is plastered day in and day out on the news.  The orange man is right when he says fake news. They never post the truth of what is really happening in America.
O.J. Simpson was found not guilty for the murder of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman. A very sad situation because 2 people died leaving their families distraught. America doesn’t care that OJ was found not guilty they decided that he was and he must pay so he is condemned daily.

Jeffrey Dahmer killed and ate 14 black people and you don’t hear about him.  

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

A blessed Tuesday to you and yours. Have a nice day and be safe.

I had a restful night but I woke up this morning feeling anxious. I am worried about the men who think that they are supposed to maltreat and bringing havoc to the world. Thank you, God, for stopping them in their tracks. Thank you, God, for bringing them to their knees. Thank you, God, for saving us. Amen.

Sunday, August 13, 2017

America’s shame. What happened in Charlottesville, Virginia is horrible, but it is truth coming-to-light. The white nationalists, neo-Nazis and Ku Klux Klan are no longer hooded. They walk among us. 

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Trinbagonians you know that ah stiff one means a drink.
Because of all the bullshit I am going through, ‘Ah need ah stiff one’!
Because of all the crazy, egotistical, farts running this world, ‘We all need ah stiff one’!
Men who are lacking sex! Men who are not lovers! Men who don’t look relaxed because of pent-up energy!
Anyone of us can see these men really need going out because they look and talk anxiously. Men who are suffering from, ‘Lack ah do, ah need are screw’!
“Yes, my friends, “WE ALL NEED AH STIFF ONE!” 
My Stiff one: -        ½ cup of Puncheon run in a tall glass
                             Crush ice
                             Top up with coconut water
                             Stir, then sit in my favorite spot and sip.

If you don’t drink liquor, drink a glass of coconut water or your favorite drink.
Image result for puncheon rum,Image result for coconut water

Thursday, August 10, 2017

I like football/soccer. I don’t like the American football because I do not like aggressive contact games. I don’t have a clue what takes place during a game… All I see is men roughly handling each other.
This morning, Thursday, August 10th, 2017, a 15-year-old student from Sachem East High School on Long Island, died after being injured during practice. I pray that his family and friends get strength and courage to face this heartbreak.

I don’t know this child but it hurts. This game is too rough.
On a personal note. Remember that you must be on your Ps and Qs with the dollar devils.
I paid a hospital bill and months later I got another bill, I read it then ignored it because I did pay that bill. This morning a woman called and she said that the hospital put me in collections for the bill.
Me, “Miss I paid that bill.”
She, “No you did not.”
Me, “Yes I did. My bank account was debited for the amount.”
She, “Can you send me the information so that I can confirm it.”
Me, “I did not hire you, the hospital did. They cashed my check so you should contact them for confirmation of payment.”
Now I must be ready with check number, amount paid and date paid. I am not going to stop paying my bills with checks. I need a paper-trail in my life so that I have records of bills paid.
A wonderful safe day to you and yours. Enjoy and be safe.

Saturday, August 5, 2017

Happy Saturday. Have a nice day and be safe.

The day I fell outside and I heard people laughing at me not caring that I was bruised and bleeding, it hit me that I used to do that; get hysterical when I see anyone fall. Destra fell and it is a big joke for many people. Falling can happen to anyone. Be careful, you don’t know when the joke will be about you.

Friday, August 4, 2017

Happy Friday to you and yours. Enjoy your day and be safe.

A woman said to me that she is married to God. I felt uncomfortable when I heard that because I know that God said, “Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? Matthew 7:1-3.” And
“Be careful not to practice your righteousness in front of others to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven. “So when you give to the needy, do not announce it with trumpets, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, to be honored by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.” Matthew 6:1-4.
This woman acts in this way towards others. Am I wrong, in thinking that she is, not right?

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

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