Saturday, February 18, 2017

Have a wonderful Saturday and be safe.

I like mongrels or as we called them in Trinbago pot-hound. My pot-hound’s name was Bruno. He never bit anyone. He used to lie down on the ground in the yard, people would come to our home to visit, walk by him, he would raise his head and look at them then put his head back down on the ground. A nice peaceful dog
But I must say, “Each man to his own accord.”
I do not like pit bulls. There is always, a horrible vicious attack on humans by them.
Last night inside a home in Riverdale Avenue, East New York, 2 pit bulls mauled a 5-year-old boy.
Hearing about this child makes me dislike pit bulls more. I do not visit homes with pit bulls. When I am walking on the street and I see someone walking with one I cross the street to the other side. I have a lot of respect for that dog.

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