Saturday, February 25, 2017

Happy Saturday to you and yours.
There are times I don’t like Facebook because of the foolishness I see posted, but today, I thank God for it. I met some relatives…Valentine. Tracye Valentine you are a Godsend. I thank God for you starting us along the journey of finding our relatives. The Valentine family is big. I spoke to two cousins. Richard Valentine and his mother. She is 89 years. It is a blessing to make it to 70 and added numbers to 70 is a joy. It was very nice to hear how young and upbeat she sounds.

I got a number for a cousin, Sandra Valentine. I dialed the number and when I got her on the phone I realized she is my cousin Cassandra Valentine. She used to spend summer holidays with us. Getting on to my long-lost cousins is heavenly! I thank God for Facebook...

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