Monday, August 15, 2016

Men! I love men but there are some things that men do that brings out the little boy in them, who doesn't want to grow up. Dating 2, 3 or more women at the same time is not going to end well for him. He always makes the wrong choice when he chooses a wife out of the bunch. She treats him well until he marries her and then she is in charge. She makes him eat the bread that the devil kneads.
She knows that he was a cheater she expects him to still be a cheater and she is insecure so she acts the role of an insecure crazy woman. The house phone and his cell phone belongs to her. Any phone call that he gets or makes she has to know who is calling or who he is calling. His Identification cards and passport is in her charge. She is always tired so he has to take care of the house and the children. She paints him black to the children. Tells them a lot of bad things about their father. Children are not stupid they pay attention to situations so they know which parent is evil. Although these women are mentally abusive some of them are physical as well. Another thing this woman does is belittle her man in front of anyone. I have seen women do that to their men, I have also seen men do it to their women. When I see situations like that I say to myself; 'What a JACKASS. I wonder if he or she know how stupid they are looking'.
God don't like ugly and he really don't care for pretty. JUDGMENT DAY will be ah hell of ah day for many of us.
A wonderful safe day to you and yours.

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