Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Life is to short. Don't be dogmatic, be kind and loving. It is easy to live an honest to goodness life. It really makes you happy ...Joy beyond words.

Enjoy your day and be safe.

Timothy:4:7-8. But avoid foolish fables and old wives' tales and train thyself in godliness. For bodily training is of little profit, while godliness is profitable in all respects, since it has the promise of the present life as well as of that which is to come.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

I love Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory but oh gosh Stir' Crazy … Gene Wilder and Richard Pryor, takes the cake. LORD I know the amount of drama the both of them are going to create when they get together.

I never thought of it as God. I didn't know what to call it. I don't believe in devils, but demons I do because everyone at one time or another has some kind of a demon, even if you call it by another name, that drives them. -- Gene Wilder (1933-2016)

Monday, August 29, 2016

Disgrace the women and praise the man.

This morning I am pissed. The biggest Headline News... Mariah Carey's sister was charged for prostitution. An undercover cop arrested her. BIG F...ING DEAL! Well it is an easy case to solve so they are working.
What about the 3 women who went jogging and were found raped and murdered? I believe that should be the main focus for the police instead, Mariah's sister's cat is the issue. I believe they just want to shame her and her sister. What about the men who were involved with her? They might be some well to do characters but their names and faces will not be in the story.
I believe a prostitute does some kind of good for someone. Many of them are not just having sex, some of them are just being paid to listen. Many men love a confidant. After a hard days work, stressful moments during the day, they love to just talk to someone. In most cases their significant other feels the same way and they don't want to hear anything so they find someone who will listen.
And life goes on.

Enjoy your day and be safe.

Sunday, August 28, 2016

A blessed Sunday to you and yours. Have a wonderful safe day.

Life is too short so let your child or children enjoy it and stop nagging them. Let them eat that spoon of Milo, powdered milk, condensed milk or what ever sweet treat they desire. When all the yummy tasting treats finishes, do not quarrel, just let them drink a glass of water with their meal for breakfast and or dinner. If they complain say, “I did not complain when you were eating the Milo, powdered milk etc... so that is what we have so drink it.

Saturday, August 27, 2016

The Mighty Dougla (T&T 1961 Calypso Monarch)

Well I challenging anybody who think that they more lazy than me.
Open competition to prove I'm the world's most laziest man.
You could come from Germany.
You could come from France.
If you think you more lazy than me, you could take the chance.
Ah lazy to wine or dine.
Ah lazy to speak my mind.
Sun shining as hot as fire,
Ah lazy to perspire.
Ah hungry look ah want to dead.
Ah lazy to bite mih bread.
Ah drowsy and sleepy like ah old ram sheep, but ah lazy to go to sleep.
A friend told me that his doctor said that he has to wear a brace on both legs for 8 weeks. The only time he is allowed to take it off is at bed time.
Can you go out and do your usual chores etc.?” I asked.
Yes, but not me. I am not going out with that thing for people to see,” He said.
Are you living your life to please people or are you living your life to make yourself well again? Your life is yours. Live it to please yourself. Living it to please people is stressful.
A wonderful safe day to you and yours.

Friday, August 26, 2016

A wondering mind will get you somewhere but not where you really want to be. A wondering mind causes you to lose focus and that thing you have to do never gets done.
Enjoy your day and be safe.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

This is me and my little sister Suzy. She is all grown up ... Wife and mother. I was about 10 years and she was 4 years. Very miserable, but sweet. She used to follow me around. I remember one day she was nagging me to play cards. So, I told her, “You want to play cards? Spell cards.”
She looked at me dumbfounded, so I said, “You cannot spell cards so you can't play cards.” 15 minutes later, she came back and said, “Alla, let's play cards.” and I said “Spell cards.” My sweet little sister said, “C A R D S.”
I was shocked and I said, “Who told you how to spell it?”
Okay, so what game do you want to play?”
Go to pack,” She said smiling.
Spell Go to pack,” I said.
She started, “G O … T O … P.” and did not know how to spell pack.
You cannot spell Go To Pack so you cannot play it.”
An hour later, she came back and she spelled it. After that day, any card game she wanted to play she used to learn to spell it first.
A wonderful day to you and yours.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

I am ranting and raving this morning because of the EpiPen. Lots of people suffer with allergies so when they have an allergic reaction it gives them a quick relief. After using it you may still have to go to the hospital or you may not but it clears the air-way. Anyway yesterday on the news I saw a report that the EpiPen cost $1.00 to make and they sell it for $100.00. The price is now increased to $600.00. And that is the world we are living in. Humanity is dead.
Have a wonderful safe day.

Humanity and kindness go hand in hand.
Humanity is dead to kindness. It died tragically when it was over-run by the dollar devils. If you don't have a dollar you are going to wither and die. The code of ethic that doctors follow is no more the dollar devils are on the loose... Money is their god.
A simple gesture of kindness is all that is needed to make someone's day. I always say in my trinbago tone, “Dem unkind people going to hell oui!”, but Harold does say, “Dem done in hell already. When you do something unkind, your conscience does bug you that's why 'Ah guilty conscience, doesn't need an accuser', dat is hell.”

Monday, August 22, 2016

In life someone is going to come first, someone in-between, someone last. It all depends on your speed, your strength, your know how … Your ability. Don't let anyone take you down further from your position. Be thankful for the position you are in, but if you are not happy with it, work harder to elevate yourself to where you want to be.
As long as you are breathing, there is more right with you than wrong with you no matter what is wrong.-- Jon Kabat-Zinn
Enjoy your day and be safe.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Just to participate in the Olympics is a great achievement so medal or no medal you are a winner. You are doing the thing you love; you are using your talent, and that is a blessing. Yes, Trinidad and Tobago participated in the Olympics, and Keshorn Walcott is the only athlete to receive a medal... Bronze for Men's Javelin Throw. Hats off to him! Good job, but I must say; all of the other athletes that did not get a medal, hats off to you as well because you did your best. Your performance was no fault of yours. Trinidad and Tobago doesn't invest in our athletes, and this has been the norm for more than 50 years.
Trinbagonians, do you remember when Bernard Julien and other cricketers left T&T for England to play for Kent in Kerry Packer's World Series Cricket? Lots of people were angry. I was young, but I remembered my father saying that they were right. Trinbago wasn't giving them a dime, and all of the big wigs were living large off of them playing cricket and winning.
It is about time that Trinidad and Tobago spend big money and invest in our athletes.
Hope you are having a nice day.

Saturday, August 20, 2016

I just don't understand humans who complain about every shit under the sun. Oh gosh God woke you up to see another day so just say thanks and enjoy the happiness. Life is too short, it's time to suck the shit up and move on. Do not let other humans make you weary or you make them weary of you. I hope today is a better day for you. Enjoy it and be safe.

Friday, August 19, 2016

A few weeks ago I saw a video of an elderly woman sitting on the floor. The young people around her (They looked like relatives) were sitting on chairs. One of them was shouting at her to get away from them. Kicking her and shouting at her. The woman was dragging on the floor trying her best to move away from them. The situation looked very bad and many people had lots of atrocious comments about the behavior of the young people. I also felt a bit sad about the whole situation, but then I digressed for a moment wondering, 'What did this woman do to these young people to make them be so hateful towards her'?
In this life we have mother and we have mother ass. A mother ass doesn't treat her children kind. She is usually physically and mentally abusive.
If my father saw a situation like that he would have said, 'The measure you give is the measure you will receive. She must have done wicked things to them so they are repaying her. Some children forget the wicked things done to them, braking the cycle. Many others continue the cycle. Generational curse.
Enjoy your day and be safe.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

On a personal note.
When we have a problem with anything and we ask Paul to help us the first question he loves to ask, “Did you read the work manual?” Sarah and I never reads it. Yesterday Sarah had a problem so she asked him for help.
Did you read the work manual?”
Who reads that Paul?” she asked.
I do also dad so we know how the things we use on a regular basis works.”
Ok so check out mines and tell me what to do,” she said.
My mother and my sister,” He said and he took up the work manual.

The color of our skin, the texture and the length of our hair doesn't make us God's gift to mankind. Many people believe that they are God's gift to mankind so they snob and degrade others. Walking, talking and acting as though their shit don't stink.
When you die you are either going to heaven or hell. St.Peter is not going to say, “You are too dark, your hair is to nappy and too short so you cannot enter. Vice versa the devil. Life is too short and it could be better if we look at the way the person behaves other than the color of the skin, length and texture of the hair.
An old gentleman once said, “When your heart ugly, you does see people ugly.”
A wonderful safe day to you and yours.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Kindness is my mantra …my motto for a blessed life. I am kind to people. If they ask me for something or to do something and I am able to do it, I do it, no strings attached. I do it and then I let it go. In most cases you have to remind me that I did it. I believe when you extend kindness, the receiver, you and God should the only people who know about it. The moment you start broadcasting that you helped someone, you are blocking your blessings.
Enjoy your day and be safe.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Being homeless doesn't necessarily mean that a person without a home is a criminal. Many people love to look down on people who are in that predicament, but anybody can be homeless in a flash. The weather is a big example of a situation that can make you become homeless. I watch a group of people last night on the news very upset that the city is locating some people to live in a hotel, in their neighborhood. They were very angry and they look as though they hurt the people who move in. Lord have mercy. Anyway many people fail to realize, until it hits you that you have a wonderful life and then it gets taken away in a moment.

Monday, August 15, 2016

Men! I love men but there are some things that men do that brings out the little boy in them, who doesn't want to grow up. Dating 2, 3 or more women at the same time is not going to end well for him. He always makes the wrong choice when he chooses a wife out of the bunch. She treats him well until he marries her and then she is in charge. She makes him eat the bread that the devil kneads.
She knows that he was a cheater she expects him to still be a cheater and she is insecure so she acts the role of an insecure crazy woman. The house phone and his cell phone belongs to her. Any phone call that he gets or makes she has to know who is calling or who he is calling. His Identification cards and passport is in her charge. She is always tired so he has to take care of the house and the children. She paints him black to the children. Tells them a lot of bad things about their father. Children are not stupid they pay attention to situations so they know which parent is evil. Although these women are mentally abusive some of them are physical as well. Another thing this woman does is belittle her man in front of anyone. I have seen women do that to their men, I have also seen men do it to their women. When I see situations like that I say to myself; 'What a JACKASS. I wonder if he or she know how stupid they are looking'.
God don't like ugly and he really don't care for pretty. JUDGMENT DAY will be ah hell of ah day for many of us.
A wonderful safe day to you and yours.

Sunday, August 14, 2016

I hope all is well with everyone. Summer is here and she is showing how hot she can be and for those of you who have to labor in it, I feel for you. Life is not a bed of roses at times but you don't have a choice but to go with the flow.
Have a wonderful safe day.

Friday, August 12, 2016

God knows that I really don’t want to go to hell. This weather reminds me of how much I don’t want to go.  
My AC is running 24…7 so my light bill is off the wall. July bill was outrageous so I am not looking forward to August. Tomorrow the temperature is going to be about 106 to 110 degrees Fahrenheit. The dollar devils are collecting the cash.
I hope you are having a nice day.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Do you remember that there is an area in your home that you love? Find your spot and breathe. Let go of all the things you have no control over. Look at your child/children, how happy they are with what is around them and you are stressing about this and that. They don’t give a damn! They are living their life, and enjoying it.  Have a nice day and be safe.

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Some people just don’t know when to shut-up.
If some people would speak when they are spoken too and answer when they are called, life would be a lot better in this world.
As my father used to say, ‘If they would mind their damn business the world would be a better place’.
Enjoy your day and be safe.

Friday, August 5, 2016

Love and hate is embedded in all humans. It really doesn’t matter what creed or race you are, some of us tap into hate more than love. Hatred and jealousy go hand in hand. And that is life.
I love humans. It doesn’t matter to me what their life style is, I do not judge anyone and I do not like to see any one being abused. I take offence when I see or hear any woman being abused. Do you remember the bodies of the women found on beaches in Long Island? I believe the murderer could be a woman or a man… Just an evil character.

A sad scary situation because the creep is free so ladies be on your Ps and Qs.

Karina Vetrano went jogging in a Queens Park, NY Tuesday night. She was later found brutally beaten, raped and strangled. I Pray that her family gets strength and courage to face the days ahead.
I also pray that truth prevails in this situation and the right perpetrator gets arrested for the crime, as soon as possible.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

The love of money is the downfall of man.

I heard that the water in Brazil is terribly unhygienic. There is floating garbage, sewage and also dead animals are in the waterways. A dead body was found a day ago. I heard that they told the swimmers not to open their mouths while the swim. So you closed your mouth but what about the body parts that are open? Your, eyes, nose, ears, vagina and penis all have a hole!

Monday, August 1, 2016

I really do not understand why humans, play daredevils, living their life on the edge. Not for all the tea in China would I get into a hot air balloon.
For some reason as if by magnetic force hot air balloons always hit electrical lines and disaster strikes.  It was sad to hear that 16 people died Saturday as there hot air balloon burst into flames, after it hit some high-tension wires. 

Oh gosh who is the mother that had he and let him loose on John-public? LORD, have mercy on us.

Beware, so long as you live, of judging men by their outward appearance.Jean de La Fontaine (1621-1695)

Be advised that all flatterers live at the expense of those who listen to them.Jean de La Fontaine (1621-1695)

Dressed in the lion's skin, the ass spread terror far and wide.Jean de La Fontaine (1621-1695)