Saturday, April 20, 2013

“Her Heart Rules His”
He said that three friends were complaining about Justin and his girlfriend. They said that she rules him, makes him spend all his money on her and he doesn’t hangout with them anymore.
“How do you know that she rules him?”
“Every time they ask him to hangout he always have something to do with her.”
“How do you know that he spends his money on her?”
“They said that his mother and sisters said that he works for a lot of money, but his bank account is meager, and the woman is always shopping.”
“Did you ever meet this woman? Have a conversation with her?”
“No, but the guys told me that she is not a nice person.”
“How do you know what they are saying is true… because they told you that?” He did not answer so she said, “I think you should speak to your friend.”
“I will.”
Months later when he came home he said, “Justin got married to the woman.”
“He did?”
“Yes and they bought a house. He said he knew his family and friends were talking about him, but ‘you have to be in it to know it’. He said when he met her, he was not serious until they started talking and spending intimate moments together.”
“No he said just spending quiet moments talking to each other. She is constructive, kind, great conversationalist, makes him laugh and she loves him.”
“Sounds like a good friendship to me.”
“I met her and I have to say eloquent, a great sense of humor, and beautiful…
“I guess her heart rules his.”…

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