Sunday, August 19, 2012

“If You Know Where They Are”
Saturday morning I heard a mother shouting on the phone to one of her children. She said, “How you sounding as though I woke you up?”
Child probably said, “Yes.”
Mother said, “You got to be f…ing kidding me. Where are your brother and sister?”
Child probably said, “They are sleeping.”
Mother said, “What the F… Wake them up! No teenagers are going to sleep in my house after seven in the morning!”
Child probably said, “We were up very late watching television and on the computer.”
Mother said, I don’t give an ‘F…’ if you’ll were watching television and on the computer after midnight! Wake them ‘F…ers’ up!”
It is a good feeling to know where your children are ~
It is distressing to be wondering where your child/children are~
It is heartbreaking if your child/children passed on…

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