Sunday, December 12, 2010


Her high school graduation prom was taking on an old theme. Promptly at ten o’clock, the band was going to play ‘The Impossible Dream’ and all the graduates were going to dance the waltz. They rehearse for weeks and received praises from their dance tutor.
She did not have a partner to dance with, so she decided to ask her brother… He was a ballroom dancer. It was very hard for her to ask him because he never says yes. His favorite word in the dictionary is, ‘NO’.
Two weeks before the prom, she asked him and he said yes. Although he said yes, she reminded him as often as possible. He kept assuring her that he would be there and on time.
She felt elegant when she dressed for the prom. The compliments she received had her excited to dance the waltz. The food was tasty and she was having a wonderful time. To her, the evening was just perfect. At nine thirty, she phoned her brother, but got no answer so she assumed he was on his way. Panic set in when she phoned him at nine fifty and he did not answer. She kept looking at the door to see if he would walk through. The count down started. All the graduates and their partners were asked to step onto the floor. They all walked out and she was standing alone. The band started to play and they proceeded to dance. She took deep breaths to stop herself from crying… Every one looked graceful as they moved across the floor. The dance lasted about 6 minutes, but it felt as though it lasted for more than an hour. As the music stopped, every one stood with their partners, clapping and smiling happily… Her brother walked through the door, towards her smiling…

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