Wednesday, December 1, 2010

“The Money”

My so-called friend asked me, to compose, and type a business letter, for a friend of hers. She also told me that her friend was willing to pay me for the letter… I told her that would be fine. I met with her friend, and we agreed on a price. After she gave me the information for the contents of the letter, I did a draft. She read it and found it to be exactly what she wanted. I typed the letter and my so-called friend collected it. When the woman received it, she phoned me and told me that she sent the money for me with my so-called friend… A week went by, and my so-called friend did not say anything to me about the money. Three weeks later, I asked her about it. She said the woman did not give her the money, but she would ask her for it. I told her that she could keep the money when she gets it. She said, “Are you sure?” “I said, “Yes.” She smiled then said, “Thanks.”

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