Friday, December 31, 2010

“Her Friend Is Mrs. Scrooge”

They have been friends for many years, but she did not know that her friend was the wife of Mr. Scrooge. Their friendship started when they were both working with the same designing company. The company closed down, she moved to another state and they lost touch for many years. One day by coincidence, they ran into each other. They talked for a while over lunch. Her friend indicated that she started her own designing company and has a staff of 10 workers, but she would like her to come and work for her. She told her she would think about it. It did not take her long to start working in her friend business as a supervisor. Her job was tedious, but it was worthwhile. She performed her tasks perfectly and was really impressed with the creations that were done by the designers. Their salary was always on time so there were no problems to get the workers to perform. They were the backbone of the company and they were phenomenal. The business was doing well, and she was happy to be one of the people who were instrumental in making it a success. Christmas was coming, and she did not think that they would have a problem. On the Thursday morning before Christmas, her friend called a staff meeting. She told them that they were all going to be paid on the first Friday in January. She looked at her friend and wondered if she was crazy. Most of the workers started to complain because they needed their money. Her friend looked angrily at them then she shouted, “What the hell do you all want me do!”
Everyone got very quiet, but they all looked angry. She was also upset because she knew that her friend had the funds to pay the staff…

Thursday, December 30, 2010

“Searching For Christmas Gifts”

My daughter told me that she and her classmates were talking about how they search their homes, to see where their parents hide their Christmas gifts…. I asked her if she searches our home and very quickly she said, “No.” I said, “Yeah right.” Then, she admitted that she does, and she never finds them. We decided that this year, we would make it very easy for her to find her gift. After putting the lights on the Christmas tree, we put her gifts in the box the lights were in… The box was then placed on the dining table. Her father and I watched her walk by the table, sat at the table to eat her meals and the box was right in front of her. Day in and day out, she sat at the table and completely ignored the box. The box was then wrapped and placed under the tree. Christmas morning, she took her gift from under the tree, opened it, then she came into the kitchen with the box in her hand.
“Mom when are we going to put the lights on the tree?” she asked.
“The lights are on the tree,” I said and I started to laugh.
“Why are you laughing? You and dad gave me this box of lights for Christmas, so when are we going to put them on the tree?”
“Open the box…”

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

"Favorite Christmas Memory"

My most favorite Christmas memory... From a very young age I watch my parents along with my brothers and sisters put the house in disarray then just before midnight Christmas Eve the house looks and smells fantastic... The final touch... the balloons that are blown and hung up over the doors and windows... I asked my father why we hung up balloons... He said, "Jesus Birthday."

Sunday, December 12, 2010


Her high school graduation prom was taking on an old theme. Promptly at ten o’clock, the band was going to play ‘The Impossible Dream’ and all the graduates were going to dance the waltz. They rehearse for weeks and received praises from their dance tutor.
She did not have a partner to dance with, so she decided to ask her brother… He was a ballroom dancer. It was very hard for her to ask him because he never says yes. His favorite word in the dictionary is, ‘NO’.
Two weeks before the prom, she asked him and he said yes. Although he said yes, she reminded him as often as possible. He kept assuring her that he would be there and on time.
She felt elegant when she dressed for the prom. The compliments she received had her excited to dance the waltz. The food was tasty and she was having a wonderful time. To her, the evening was just perfect. At nine thirty, she phoned her brother, but got no answer so she assumed he was on his way. Panic set in when she phoned him at nine fifty and he did not answer. She kept looking at the door to see if he would walk through. The count down started. All the graduates and their partners were asked to step onto the floor. They all walked out and she was standing alone. The band started to play and they proceeded to dance. She took deep breaths to stop herself from crying… Every one looked graceful as they moved across the floor. The dance lasted about 6 minutes, but it felt as though it lasted for more than an hour. As the music stopped, every one stood with their partners, clapping and smiling happily… Her brother walked through the door, towards her smiling…

Monday, December 6, 2010

“Getting All She Wants For Christmas”

My daughter is getting all she wants for Christmas because she wrote an essay for Spanish class and got ‘A+' for it… The ‘A+’ is one of the reasons for all that she wants for Christmas, but the main reason is… When she mentioned me in her essay, she started the sentence, “My mother, who is 40 years…” That child took 10 years off from my age. When she came home from school she said, “Mom I am so sorry that I wrote your age down as 40yrs. but you are younger than that right, because you look younger? I was smiling from ear to ear…

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

“The Money”

My so-called friend asked me, to compose, and type a business letter, for a friend of hers. She also told me that her friend was willing to pay me for the letter… I told her that would be fine. I met with her friend, and we agreed on a price. After she gave me the information for the contents of the letter, I did a draft. She read it and found it to be exactly what she wanted. I typed the letter and my so-called friend collected it. When the woman received it, she phoned me and told me that she sent the money for me with my so-called friend… A week went by, and my so-called friend did not say anything to me about the money. Three weeks later, I asked her about it. She said the woman did not give her the money, but she would ask her for it. I told her that she could keep the money when she gets it. She said, “Are you sure?” “I said, “Yes.” She smiled then said, “Thanks.”