Monday, May 31, 2010

Nostalgic Moment.

It’s another beautiful sunny day in New York… Days like these bring on nostalgic moments about Trinidad & Tobago. A friend called, and asked me out. I sat in his car that beautiful sunny day... there were huge white clouds in the sky that looked like soft cotton to dive into… We talked about this and that… He didn’t say where we were going, and I didn’t ask, because I knew we were going to have fun….

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Made-up Stories.... Fiction.... Excerpt from Interview

In my interview with I was asked: Your novels are all very different; Jan’s Mysterious Adventure is about a young girl who encounters spirits after falling into a stream; Sandy is about relationships, love and secrets; and Leigh’s Story is about difficult relationships and danger. How do you come up with the ideas for your books?

At age 8, my elementary school teacher told me that I had a vivid imagination. When I arrived home from school, I asked my sister what is the meaning of the word vivid, and she explained it to me. Today I would sometimes laugh when I remember my school days. I used to tell stories to my friends, not true stories, made-up ones, and my friends used to believe them. Fiction has been in my head for a very long time, waiting to come out from my vivid imagination.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

"A Vivid Imagination"

An imagination; that is the key to writing… If you have a vivid one, then you can write a great story… That clear impression gives good details for your story…. We all tell lies at times, so our genre is covered – Fiction. My books are fictional tales, but many of my fans ask me if what they read happened… so I leave them wondering, “Is this book fiction, or non-fiction?”

Friday, May 28, 2010

“A Still Tongue”

A still tongue keeps a wise head… so they say, and I believed that for a long time. Now I know it can hold you back from your passion. My passion is writing. Seeing my thoughts come alive in my books is… GOLDEN! If your passion is writing, don’t keep a still tongue… write! Many close to you may read your work and you will get positive and negative opinions. Don’t let the negative take precedence over the positive…. Don’t be surprise at who is not supportive.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

“The Deceiver”

Kate never goes through her husband’s phone, although he is always on hers. One day, he forgot his at home and she checked it out. There were many text messages between her best friend – Helen and him. The shock of it all stopped her tears. Her mind was racing with ideas of what she should do to them. Her phone rang, making her jump. Helen sent her a text inviting her to lunch. Kate grabbed her handbag and her keys because she was going to meet the deceiver.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


“You know I have a headache?” She asked as she walked into the bedroom.
“I do baby, come here and lie down.”
She got on the bed hoping that he would leave her alone, but he said, “roll over on your stomach.”
Although she didn’t want to she did. He straddled her moved her hair then started to massage her. Before she knew it her headache was gone, and she was looking into the eyes of the man who always reminded her why she married him.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

“A Beautiful, Divine, Union”

Our conversation lasted about 10 minutes the first day we met. I thought it was interesting; he was a handsome man, well learned, but I couldn’t read him. The second, third and fourth time, the conversation was longer and my heart started to say yes… then one cold winter night 21 years ago he knocked my door. I opened the door to what I could only describe as a Beautiful, Divine, Union… LOVE!

Monday, May 24, 2010

“Who Comforts You”

He visits you one day per week. After the heated intimate moment is over, he talks about his heartache. His wife is always painted as evil. You feel hurt for him, so you lay on your back for another rounds… He leaves and goes home to the evil woman. You always cry as the door closes and the sad lonely feeling creeps into your heart. You have been his comforter for more than 5 years, but who is comforting you?

Sunday, May 23, 2010

"Convincing Liar"

You owe me $75.00 for the CZ earrings that you bought at my jewelry party,” said Linda.
“You had beautiful pieces there, but I bought a ring.”
“And a pair of earrings.”
She suddenly got vociferous as she insisted that I owed her, so I paid her.
“When I arrived home I looked through my jewelry box, but didn’t find the earrings. I told my sister what happened.
“Don’t you know that Linda is a liar? A convincing liar?”

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Pathological Liar

Her sad story tore at his heart. She tearfully told him that her husband left her, and their 8 children for a younger woman. Days later, by coincidence, he met her sister, and he told her how sorry he was, about her sister’s situation.
“My sister is sick. The woman, whom she claimed stole her husband, didn’t. That woman was, and still is, the man’s wife. My sister had an affair with him, and they had 8 children…

Friday, May 21, 2010


That's the hardest thing for me to do... I have to practice the lie before I say it, and that's stressful...
I looked at my friend’s lips as he lied to me. I stood there tongue tied unable to tell him I know the truth. He went on explaining his innocence, while my face became flushed with embarrassment. All I could say is that at times I lie to myself when I say that I haven’t told a lie in many years.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Rendered less of a man

“You just emasculated your husband. Was that to impress me? Not impressed!”
“It’s two days before Christmas, and he didn’t get paid. What am I going to tell the children?”
“The truth.”
“Do you remember five days after you guys bought this house you lost your job? He paid the bills, fed, and clothed you and the children, and he took you all to Paris that summer... Should I continue?
“What have I done?” she cried.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Have you ever tasted fear? It leaves a bitter taste in your mouth. The hair on your, hands and legs start growing, and at one point you look at your hands to see if it is really growing. It’s the eeriest, unsettling moment in your life. Fear is a killer…. but it’s a warning.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


He drove home as fast as he could. His wife just saw him kiss and hug a woman. He had an affair with this woman a year ago. When he arrived home, she was sitting on the step to their bedroom. He couldn’t tell what mood she was in.
“Honey, I’m sorry!”
“Why am I not surprised that you’d say that to me first?
“Honey I have to say it; I am sorry, and I love you.”
“It’s the easiest word to say.”
“For those who want something.”
“You do want something… You want me to say I forgive you.”

Monday, May 17, 2010

Should she divorce him?

Joy was on her way to a meeting, at work. Her boss doesn’t like tardiness. She sat in the car going over the agenda; for a moment, she glanced out the window.
“This isn’t the route to the office.”
“I decided to take a shortcut,” said her husband.
“Why? It takes 30 minutes from our home. Now I am late.”
“I missed the turn.”
When she finally walked into the meeting her boss said, “You’re fired!”

Sunday, May 16, 2010

I walked in and there was the most intimidating and condescending man that I knew. The last two occasions we met, I felt like a fool. My friends told me that we were going to a private party. Now I’m standing in his home, at his 30th, birthday party.
“I’m leaving!” I walked quickly to the door, but he stopped me.
“Your beauty and your poise scare me. No woman ever made me feel this way. Please don’t leave... Stay.”

Saturday, May 15, 2010

My friends were sitting under a tree talking. One of them said my name. I walked up to them and I said, “someone said my name?” They looked nervous. One of them started stuttering and got stuck on, “I… I… wa… was.” I looked at her and smiled. Ignoring the awkward moment, I started talking. In less than 5 minutes we were all laughing. We said goodbye and I stood alone then it hit me that they were gossiping about me.

Friday, May 14, 2010

I am having a nostalgic moment about Trinidad… I was walking with some friends through the savannah one day to school. There were cattle grazing. One black bull with red eyes was looking at us. I was scared but I did not say anything, then a boy said I think that bull is going to charge at us. I didn’t wait for anyone to say run… I started to run…

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Amy was married to Lyn’s husband’s relative. One night Amy phoned him to discuss a situation she was having with her husband. Lyn’s husband told her what transpired. She felt that Amy’s man is a sleaze, although at family parties, they both seemed happy. The phone calls continued, and she still dishonors him. Lyn was wondering, “if he is a sleaze, why is Amy still married to him, and why is she calling her husband?”

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Brain, heart, eyes, ears, hands, feet, and mouth are working fine, but then you say, “I cannot and I will not do it." You did not even attempt it, so I am wondering which part of you is not working right.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

He gives her a ride to work everyday. This woman was a breath of fresh air from the top of her head down to her toes. This morning her toes were painted in ten different colors.
“What’s up with the rainbow toenails?” he asked.
“You told me you love rainbows,” she whispered.
“Not just rainbows… I love you.

Monday, May 10, 2010

For years she listened to him complain about his job and women. He was the wrong man to fall in love with, but she did. She was feeling stressed, but he wanted a tête-à-tête so she drove to his home.
“Tell me what you want me to do for you,” he said.
“I need a massage.”
He did and her stress faded.
“This is a new you, can I read more into this night?” she asked.
“Yes, even to the part where I hope you will say, ‘I do’.”

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mom said, “You look stunning.”
You can grace the cover of a bridal magazine,” said dad.
The car arrived at the church, and there stood my intended. “Don’t get out of the car. I’m not marrying you.” He got into a car with a woman and drove off.
Dad said, “That jackass, did you a favor. You have 7 days to stay in your emotional state.”
Years later the woman showed me the ankle bracelet she wears to protect her from him.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Man! A beautiful creature; standing aloft in his world. A world of love and hate! He found her and he touched her... in the darkness! In that cold bitter place where she lost herself. She felt him deep within. He penetrated her soul and jolted her back to reality. Her body aches for his. The agonizing pain deep within… Needed him.

Friday, May 7, 2010

His nightshift ends at 6:00AM and he normally arrives home at 5:15AM, but today he could not function at his job. He looked at his wife who stood nervously in front of him, at 3:30AM. "Are you having an affair?" He asked.
"I could never do that to you," she whispered.
"You did not answer the question."
"No. I am not having an affair."
Your best friend says that you are and she had the proof."

Thursday, May 6, 2010

“He is an arrogant man!”
“But he is my man and I love him.”
“Yes, but that aggressively assertive presumptuous man will not agree with any of your opinion… He will abuse you and stress you out. I will not tell you to…. LEAVE HIM!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

“Stacy lost it,” said Tim.
“True,” said Nick.
“What?” Asked Joel.
“She looked great before you guys had children. Now she is a bit overweight.”
“My wife is a beautiful, brilliant, devoted and kind woman. Our children and I love her to death! Your wives are gorgeous and look sexy, but you cheat on them. You both said you get it twice per month from them. Stacy turned me on when we met, and she never turned me off……

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

A friend told me that he is under pressure because the love of his life -- his wife, is not speaking to one of his relatives and she wants him to stop talking to that relative… He in ah real quandary! Damn girl… you women put your men through real stress….

Monday, May 3, 2010

He looked into her teary eyes and his love for her was burning his heart. “Talk to me,” he said.
“I divorced you and I still love you. I’m dating a man who promised to give me the world, yet he said the same to two other women.”
“You don’t love him so why the tears?”
“You treated me like a queen, but it wasn’t enough to forgive you for your one night affair. Now you moved on.”
“I never moved on from you,” he said.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

A bird woke me up this morning at 4:00AM… Singing sweetly… Oh what a joy it was to hear my familiar telling me it’s time to start a new day…. I claim this day as part of the history of my life and I am going to live it, love it and rejoice in it…. Who or what woke you up?

Saturday, May 1, 2010

When I was a child I heard my mom say, “The grass is always greener on the other side.” We lived in the country, and there was a lot of grass around. It was green and brown, so that wasn’t the grass mom was talking about. She must have been talking about the grass in the meadow. It was a rich green; cows were grazing there. Years later, I set off for greener pastures and my dreams were fulfilled. This is what my mom meant.