Friday, January 3, 2020

A liar and a thief don’t have common sense. These people only think about themselves. Self-centered, egotistical people. A pastor with thousands, even millions of dollars in their possession, and the leaders of the country change the money, giving the opportunity to exchange the old money for the new, this is what I think they should do; Find out from the bank the amount the church can exchange. Change and deposit the stipulated amount of money into the church’s bank account. Divide the balance of the money equally between the staff and the congregation. Inform them that the money is the savings from their tithes and offerings. Give them an official letter from the church, so they can prove where they got the money. The money will eventually come back to the church, but these pastors are short term thinkers. Many of them are only interested in pilfering. DOLLAR DEVIL!


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