Thursday, January 4, 2018

We had a snow storm and outside is white and it looks nice and pristine, but the snow is not unspoiled so please tell your children not to eat it. There might be areas that are clean but you would never know. Maybe I am finicky but I am glad that I am that way. When Paul and Sarah were children they wanted to eat snow and I told them no because I was a little creeped out by the idea. They were a little put off, but my no was no. While we were walking home A few minutes later a woman passed us, she started to cough and then she spits. We watched in amazement as the yellow phlegm hit the white snow then slipped through. The area it hit looked untouched. Another day some children had a snow fight. Everything was going fine until one girl picked up a handful of snow with dog shit in it. I used to let Paul and Sarah take snow off of cars if they wanted to have a snowball fight. Eating snow is a NO! NO! 

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