Saturday, November 18, 2017

Happy Saturday to you and yours. Enjoy your day and be safe. I doh wash meh dirty linen in public but it is about time ah set it right about the $10,000.00 I am hearing from so many people about it.

To forgive is asking for forgiveness for yourself because we are all sinners. ‘Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us’.
I think it was 1985 or 86 or 87 my brother Paul loaned me $10,000.00 for my now ex-husband David so he could set up his woodwork factory. David was to pay him back but he never did. I migrated to the US in 1989 and the plan was for David to make payments to Paul but he did not. My brother Paul told me that I owed him and I have to pay him back. We can work out something. If he need anything in the US I would buy it and he would minus from the $10,000.00. I did purchase many items for him. I thought he was deducting the amounts until I met his wife Sybil (deceased). The first day Sybil and I met she said to me, “If you would give my husband his $10,000.00 you all would have a better relationship.” I was hurt yet shocked that after all my purchased I still owed him $10,000.00.
One day while my son Paul was in college, I was talking to my brother Paul about this and that then he said, “Don’t worry about the $10,000.00, give it to Paul to help with his college. I told him thanks but in my heart, I know that I have to pay him back his $10,000.00 because he would not stop telling people that I owed him it. Just last week someone told me that they heard that I owe Paul $10,000.00.

The things I did for Paul, I thank God for giving me the means to do it and I forgive him for the hurt and shame. 

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