Thursday, November 30, 2017

When you are going to do something that is wrong and it can cause a problem in your life the spirit within warns you not to do it, yet you go ahead and do it. After you do it and the repercussion of what you did takes over, you start praying, calling God to help you. Though luck. It doesn’t matter how long it takes truth prevails.

Be kind, loving and respectful. Have a nice day and be safe.

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Plenty men ass winking because they are worried that their name is on the list only to be revealed. I am sure many women are being offered $ to shut up.

And the sexual transgressions are exploding. Rich, powerful men are being shamed for their disrespect and it is about time. Matt Lauer has been fired from NBC because of a complaint about inappropriate sexual transgression.

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

The man is arrogant, insulting, disrespectful just down right heartless, but then he is in that high seat in order for the world to see America at its best. The Native Americans are a very upstanding respectable people and they are being dishonored daily. God elevates us to positions to see our performance and then he brings us to our knees when we are dishonorable. 

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Breaking News. Well we all heard the Harvey Weinstein, Charlie Rose, even Ryan Seacrest, and many others named in sexual transgression against many yet the breaking news, big news report this morning; Malia Obama was smoking weed. I did not smoke weed, I did smoke cigarettes, but who did not light up in their teenage years?  I know that the media was looking for a story about a black person to cap down all the hurtful, shameful sexual predicaments that is taking place about the people in their clique.
The black-man is always used as the scapegoat to cover up other’s bullshit. One day soon there is going to be an end to the black-man’s dilemma.

Have a nice day. Enjoy and be safe.

Sunday, November 19, 2017

When the old folks used to remind us that misery, loves company they were right. These men who abuse and sexually violate live in hell and these women who stand by them are living there with them. They are the most abused women. I don’t believe that you can be happy living in the presence of a man who disrespect you and others. I am not helping no man try to cover up abuse… I am not living a stressful life.

A wonderful Sunday to you and yours. Have a nice day and be safe.

Image result for thanks for giving

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Happy Saturday to you and yours. Enjoy your day and be safe. I doh wash meh dirty linen in public but it is about time ah set it right about the $10,000.00 I am hearing from so many people about it.

To forgive is asking for forgiveness for yourself because we are all sinners. ‘Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us’.
I think it was 1985 or 86 or 87 my brother Paul loaned me $10,000.00 for my now ex-husband David so he could set up his woodwork factory. David was to pay him back but he never did. I migrated to the US in 1989 and the plan was for David to make payments to Paul but he did not. My brother Paul told me that I owed him and I have to pay him back. We can work out something. If he need anything in the US I would buy it and he would minus from the $10,000.00. I did purchase many items for him. I thought he was deducting the amounts until I met his wife Sybil (deceased). The first day Sybil and I met she said to me, “If you would give my husband his $10,000.00 you all would have a better relationship.” I was hurt yet shocked that after all my purchased I still owed him $10,000.00.
One day while my son Paul was in college, I was talking to my brother Paul about this and that then he said, “Don’t worry about the $10,000.00, give it to Paul to help with his college. I told him thanks but in my heart, I know that I have to pay him back his $10,000.00 because he would not stop telling people that I owed him it. Just last week someone told me that they heard that I owe Paul $10,000.00.

The things I did for Paul, I thank God for giving me the means to do it and I forgive him for the hurt and shame. 

Friday, November 17, 2017

It always takes a woman to bring a wicked man to his knees. Women have been doing it for 1,000 of years. 2017 and some men did not get the memo; ‘Have respect for yourself and for others’.  

These men are not just wicked they are creepy. The woman is asleep and he is smiling with his both hands on her breast. 

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Don’t put your life on hold for a promise. A promise is a comfort for a fool.
A happy Thursday to you and yours. Have a nice day and be safe.

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Your Happiness started. You woke up to see another day. Thanks be to God. Stop complaining and worrying about who lied about you. You cannot recover from a lie because someone is going to believe it so don’t try to defend yourself. Leave the liar. He or she is paving their way to hell. I know God. He takes care of liars. He takes care of us and He will see you through the hurt and pain.

Enjoy your day and be safe. 

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

“Thank you, God, for hearing the sound of my voice. “Thank you, God, for answering me. Amen.

A wonderful safe day to you, Enjoy and be safe.

Monday, November 13, 2017

Have a nice safe Monday.

Remember; You cannot be lonely if you like the person you're alone with. Wayne Dyer (1940-2015)

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Happy Sunday to you and yours. Forgive those who sin against you so that you will be forgiven, but remember, do not forget.

Enjoy your day and be safe.

Saturday, November 11, 2017

A wonderful Saturday to you and yours. Just remember heaven and hell is right here on this earth so all sexual predators are in hell. Those who are not caught are facing a worse hell, fearfully hoping that their victim/s stays silent.
And life goes on. World without end, AMEN! 

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Some people lying, cheating, stealing for a piece of the action. When they get it, they don’t know what the hell to do with it.

Have a nice day. Enjoy and be safe.

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Saturday, November 4, 2017

A wonderful safe Saturday to you and yours.

My father and I used to have great conversations. He told me a woman never walks away from anything that is good so if she leaves him, that man is no damn good!

He also told me when you meet a man and he starts bad-talking a woman, walk away from him. End the friendship because he is going to bad-talk you. Men need to respect women. They carried us for nine months and they keep doing it until we die.

Friday, November 3, 2017

Happy Friday to you and yours. Enjoy your day and be safe. Remember; ‘As a man thinketh in his hearth so is he’.

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Tit for tat is going on making everyday life volatile, changing the peaceful way of life. I never thought that man would kill man without qualms, but George Benson sang it right.

Everything must change. Nothing stays the same. Everyone must change. Nothing stays the same. Young become the old. Mysteries do unfold. ‘Cause that’s the way of time. Nothing and no one goes unchanged. There are not many things in life you can be sure of, Rain comes from the clouds, sun lights up the sky, and hummingbirds do fly. Winter turns to spring. Wounded heart will heal, yes it will, but never much too soon.