Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Trinbagonians talk. (166) Afghanistan has been invaded many times: Alexander the Great, Genghis Khan, Timur the Mughal Empire, Russian Tsars, 4 times by The British Empire, The Soviet Union, NATO Troops, United States of America.

Meh muddah used to say, “If yuh do it once an’ it didn’t work. Yuh do it twice an’ it didn’t work. Doh do it a third time because it is not goin’ to work. Yuh hav’ to kno’ when To Stop Tryin’ to do De Impossible.

My mother used to say, “If you do it once and it did not work. You do it a second time and it still did not work. Do not do it a third time because it will never work. You have to know when to stop trying to do the impossible.

Saturday, August 28, 2021

Trinbagonians talk. (165) A still Tongue Makes a Wise Head.

Doh make de Dutty Red Rag in Yuh Mout’ get Yuh in Trouble. Doh be a chatterbox. Listen more an’ talk less.

Do not let your tongue get you in trouble. Do not be talkative. Listen more and do less talking.

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Trinbagonians talk. (164) As de old Trinbago folks used to say, ‘Monkey kno’ wat tree to climb’.

A manipulative and abusive person always picks on a person they could overpower.


Monday, August 23, 2021


To all women who walk the streets and are being violated, I feel really bad about that. I saw a woman on the television being grabbed by a man and she tried to defend herself, but the man overpowered her. I sat looking at the television and I was thinking if I was in that situation, I would have my pepper spray in my hand and he was going to get sprayed. These men are disrespectful. I wonder if they have mothers, sisters etc. I would be ashamed to be related to a man who behaves that way.

Thursday, August 19, 2021

Trinbagonians talk. (163) Keep Your Hands to Yourself. Keep Your Tongue Between Your Teeth. My mother’s favorite statements when my siblings and I got into squabbles.

Ah doh kno’ why it so hard for some people to keep dey hands to demself an’ how hard for dem to shut their trap. Stop touchin’ odder people an’ t’ink before yuh speak. T’ink about de way yuh go make de people in yuh life feel when yuh behave disrespectful. T’ink about all de people who yuh go hurt when yuh behavin’ like yuh doh hav’ manners.

I don’t know why it is so hard for some people to keep their hands to themselves and how hard it is for them to shut their mouth. Stop touching other people and think before you speak. Think about all the people who you are going to hurt before you behave ill-mannered.